The chi-squared distribution is widely used in statistics. It is a special case of [Gamma distributions] and is also related to the [Gaussian distribution], in that the sum of squares of identically and independently distributed (iid) gaussian variables follow a chi-squared distribution. For an overview, see the Wikipedia article [] and Abramowitz and Stegun []. [EKB] This is an implementation of the chi-squared distribution, providing cdf-chisquare, pdf-chisquare, and random-chisquare. It uses code for [Gamma distributions] and the [Simple Test] code. (I used Simple Test to implement this using [test-driven development].) To test the random-number generation, there is test code at the end to compare a histogram of the random variates against the theoretical pdf-chisq. # Implements the (central) chi-squared distribution # as a special case of the gamma distribution source simpletest.tcl source gammadist.tcl namespace eval chisq { # Values were produced from R ver. 2.4.1 st::addproc cdf-chisquare { df ;# Degrees of freedom x ;# chisquared value; find prob that < this } where { {{2 3.5} ~ 0.826226056549555} {{5 2.2} ~ 0.179164030785504} {{5 100} ~ 1.0} {{3.9 4.2} ~ 0.634682741547709} {{1 2.0} ~ 0.842700792949715} {{3 -2.0} -> 0.0} } st::addproc pdf-chisquare { df ;# Degrees of freedom x ;# chisquared value; eval prob dens at this value } where { {{3 1.75} ~ 0.219999360547348} {{10 2.9} ~ 0.0216024880121444} {{4 17.45} ~ 0.000708787557977144} {{2.5 1.8} ~ 0.218446210041615} {{1 0.0} -> Inf} {{5 -1.5} -> 0.0} } } proc chisq::cdf-chisquare {df x} { set alpha [expr {0.5 * $df}] set beta 0.5 if {$x < 0.0} {return 0.0} cdf-gamma $alpha $beta $x } proc chisq::pdf-chisquare {df x} { set alpha [expr {0.5 * $df}] set beta 0.5 if {$x < 0.0} {return 0.0} pdf-gamma $alpha $beta $x } # Prodce "number" random deviates distributed according to a chisq dist proc chisq::random-chisquare {df number} { set alpha [expr {0.5 * $df}] set beta 0.5 random-gamma $alpha $beta $number } console show namespace eval chisq { st::print } ### Test random deviates ########################################################################################## ## ## TESTING ## ## Can test pdf & cdf by running in a console. For random numbers, generate histograms: ## ########################################################################################## canvas .c pack .c -side top frame .f pack .f -side bottom label .f.dfl -text "Degrees of freedom: " entry .f.dfe -textvariable df pack .f.dfl -side left pack .f.dfe -side left button -text "Run" -command runtest pack -side left proc runtest {} { set vals [chisq::random-chisquare $::df 5000] set remainder 5000 for {set x 0.0} {$x < 20.0} {set x [expr {$x + 0.25}]} { lappend bins $x set distval [chisq::pdf-chisquare $::df $x] # Total trials (5000) * step (0.25) * value set distval [expr {int(5000 * 0.25 * $distval)}] lappend distcounts $distval } # Assume none are left lappend distcounts 0.0 set bincounts [::math::statistics::histogram $bins $vals] .c delete hist .c delete dist math::statistics::plot-scale .c 0 20 0 [math::statistics::max $bincounts] math::statistics::plot-histogram .c $bincounts $bins hist math::statistics::plot-histogram .c $distcounts $bins dist .c itemconfigure dist -fill {} -outline green } set df 3 runtest ---- [EKB] For statistical inference, the inverse chi-squared distribution is used more often than the distribution itself. So here's an implementation of the inverse chi-squared distribution, to be added to library above: namespace eval chisq { variable maxiter 100 # Values generated using R ver. 2.4.1 st::addproc invchisq { df ;# Degrees of freedom p ;# probability } where { {{2 0.5} ~ 1.38629436111989} {{3 0.0} ~ 0.0} {{15 0.7} ~ 17.3216944984992} {{3 0.1} ~ 0.584374374155183} {{14 0.01} ~ 4.66042506265777} {{70 0.10} ~ 55.3289395719096} {{2 1.0} -> Inf} {{40 1.0} -> Inf} } } proc chisq::quicknorminv {p} { if {$p < 0.0 || $p > 1.0} { error "Value out of bounds for inverse normal: $p" return 0 } set sign -1 if {$p > 0.5} { set p [expr {1 - $p}] set sign 1 } set t [expr {sqrt(-2.0 * log($p))}] set a0 2.30753 set a1 0.27061 set b1 0.99229 set b2 0.04481 set num [expr {$a0 + $a1 * $t}] set denom [expr {1 + $b1 * $t + $b2 * $t * $t}] return [expr {$sign * ($t - $num/$denom)}] } proc chisq::invchisq {df p {tol 1.0e-10}} { variable maxiter if {$p < 0.0 || $p > 1.0} { error "Value out of bounds for inverse chi-square: $p" return 0.0 } if {$p > 1.0 - $tol} { return [expr Inf] } set deltax [expr {100 * $tol}] # Initial value for x -- use mean = dof, unless large #dof set x $df if {$df > 30} { # Use approximate value from Abramowitz & Stegun for df > 30 set p_norm [expr {1.0 - $p}] set xp [quicknorminv $p_norm] set y [expr {2.0/(9.0 * double($df))}] set x [expr {$df * (1.0 - $y + $xp * sqrt($y))}] } set niter 0 while {1} { set pstar [cdf-chisquare $df $x] set dpdx [pdf-chisquare $df $x] if {abs($dpdx) < $tol} { set x [expr {$x + $deltax}] set dpdx [pdf-chisquare $df $x] } # Sometimes the slope can be quite large -- damp down size of steps if necessary set newx [expr {$x + ($p - $pstar)/$dpdx}] set newx [expr {$newx > $x + 0.5 * $df ? $x + 0.5 * $df : $newx}] set newx [expr {$newx < $x - 0.5 * $df ? $x - 0.5 * $df : $newx}] if {$newx < 0.0} { set newx 0.0 } if {abs($newx - $x) < $tol} { set x $newx break } else { set x $newx } incr niter if {$niter == $maxiter} { error "Inverse chi-squared distribution did not converge after $niter iterations" return {} } } return $x } ---- See also [Statistical distributions] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Statistics] | [Category Mathematics] |% !!!!!!