Here's the page for the Chicago Area Tcl Users Group (which hasn't met yet and doesn't strictly exist yet, but who says I can't make a page yet). The first meeting will be at Sun Wah on W. Argyle, Feb 6 at 8:00 pm. Unless I get enough feed back to move it. Anyone? (Sun Wah is right next to the Argyle stop on the red line.) Should we have a meeting agenda, or be casual? What has worked with other groups? I put it at 8 pm because I work in Schaumburg during the day. (If someone wants to meet in the NW 'burbs that's fine with me too -- I suggest one of the many Indian restaurants or the Irish pub []) I work on an automated test platform at Motorola which tests hardware encryption modules. I've also made a suggestion to start using tcl for integration testing for software. I'd like to learn more about that. The test platform was built a few years ago before TEA and stubs, and our dlls don't use these things. If anyone wants to discuss that I would be happy to listen. I am self taught and have many gaps in my tcl knowledge and would love to meet people and discuss ideas and learn more. Oh yes, since the Tcl conference this year is only a short trip away, It would be nice to car pool and share expenses for rooms. What do people think about that? [sheila]