Version 3 of Chinese numbers

Updated 2002-10-04 15:48:17


        set n [expr $n%10000]
    set skipped 0
    foreach {i c} [list 1000 $dic(!1000) 100 $dic(!100) 10 $dic(10)] {
        if {$n/$i} {
            if {$res!="" && $skipped} {append res $dic(0)}
            append res $dic([expr $n/$i])$c
            set n [expr $n%$i]
            set skipped 0
        } else {
                set skipped 1
    if {$n} {
        if {$skipped} {append res $dic(0)} ;# filler zero
        append res $dic($n)
    regsub ^$dic(1)$dic(10)     $res $dic(10)  res ;# avoid "yishi"
    regsub ^$dic(2)$dic(!10000) $res $dic(!2)$dic(!10000) res
    regsub $dic(2)$dic(!1000)   $res $dic(!2)$dic(!1000)  res
    set res

if 0 {Note however that this is more a proof of concept than a practical requirement for Chinese localization. Every Chinese using a computer is able and willing to understand numbers in the international style, so the above is useful only in full-text translation - or as a weekend fun project ;-)

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