[LV] wrote: Perhaps the community could contribute tips, references, etc. comparing and contrasting [Python] and [Tcl] to provide someone who programs in Python assistance in learning to read/write Tcl? ---- [VK] My vision of comparing is to start with a following road (feel free to change it and expand on each item in turn, shorten list or adding more items): * What are basic types? (hash/array/list/strings) Everything is an object? a string? * How OO is different between two languages. [Python] has one true OO and heavily based on it; [Tcl] does not have one, but it has many different types of OO as external libraries; what does this brings to language? * What is typical usage of [Tcl]? of [Python]? of their combination? Is it Web, GUI, financial, physic computation? what? * IDE: Several GUI WYSIWYG are in Tcl ([VTCL], ...) * IDE2: debugger and ease of use one. * What it usually takes to extend functionality in application? (as opposed to commonly used (mis?)conception that [Perl] programs are write-only) * What does it takes to extend language itself? Is it possible? on the tcl/python level? C level? * ''to be continued'' ---- [Sarnold] I have tried a small tutorial, while reading the beginning of the Python tutorial. I have abandoned it, because it was not the subject of this page. ---- [Sarnold] All right. In my personal experience, I always used Python for small tasks, so I am not the person who would comment it for large tasks. I just noted there was overall more than 300 modules in the standard distribution, part of them being platform-specific. ---- [Category Language]