What about trying to improve and tweak the code which is used to create these benchmarks? http://shootout.alioth.debian.org Many [Tcl'ers] already did a great job, but there are still some scripts missing and some others might have room for optimisations. ---- The disciplines: * [binary-trees benchmark] * [fasta benchmark] '''high memory usage''' * [pidigits benchmark] '''error''' * [mandelbrot benchmark] * [recursive benchmark] * [chameneos-redux benchmark] '''is missing''' * [meteor-contest benchmark] '''is missing''' * [thread-ring benchmark] '''error''' "can't create a new thread" * ... ---- [DKF]: Before taking any of this too seriously, do remember to read http://www.cis.udel.edu/~silber/470STUFF/article.pdf (also linked from the FAQ of the shootout site). [hat0] where something like this becomes useful is in public relations — being able to have a strong showing in code size, performance, memory use, etc., or showing some good performance with a piece of particularly elegant code, this will draw some good, positive attention to this fine language. ---- [TV] If I were a student assistant (which I was in electronics for various student kinds) and I was to deal with this, or if some graduation student from CE would be co-managed by me I'd kindly wish to remind such a person of what was a common idea at the faculty (of EE) where I worked at the time: when people talk about an optimal system (control systems it was about) they should be asked what optimal means in the case at hand, in other words: ''what'' is being optimized. ---- 2010-1-11 [pmarin]. Tcl and many other languages have been dropped from the current benchmark. Why?<
> Anyway, the last benchmark with Tcl can be found here: [http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=nbody&lang=all] ---- 2012-01-13 [akm] Amusingly the current gcc C entry uses the Tcl regexp engine :-) [http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/program.php?test=regexdna&lang=gcc&id=1] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Performance] |% !!!!!!