** Summary ** Concurrency is concept of simultaneous execution of computational tasks. ** See Also ** [chords]: [CSP]: [co-routines]: [continuation]: [flow-based programming]: [event-oriented programming%|%event-driven programming]: [generators]: [processes]: [latent function]: s [microthreads]: [monitors]: [object-bound mutexes]: [asynchronous methods]: [tasks]: [semaphores]: [threads]: [weightless threads]: [guarded methods]: [iterators]: [A Thread-Safe Message Queue]: [distributed computing]: [parallel processing]: [http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/grid/library/gr-future.html%|%grid services]: ** Reference ** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_(computer_science)%|%Concurrency] ,Wikipedia: [http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-sc5.html%|%Concurrency for grown-ups] by [CL%|%Cameron Laird], [developerWorks], 2002-08-15: [http://arstechnica.com/paedia/h/hyperthreading/hyperthreading-1.html%|%Introduction to Multithreading, Superthreading and Hyperthreading], by Jon Stokes: claims to be mostly about (rather specific) hardware, in fact its readability and confident accuracy recommend it for those in search of a more general introduction to operating system-level concurrency. ** Description ** [Tcl]onians typically focus on maintainability and related development issues. For a hard-core performance perspective on concurrency, see "The C10K problem" [http://kegel.com/c10k.html%|%The C10K Problem]. ---- [[co-operative vs. pre-emptive]] <> Category Concurrency | Category Concept | Category Interprocess Communication