[Keith Vetter] 2016-06-15 : This is a tool I wrote a few years ago when I was playing around solving problems from [Project Euler] for computing the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction%|%continued fraction%|% for a given value. This tool will display an expressions continue fraction both as a list of coefficients and as a fraction. It's limited by the precision of Tcl's double but does some tricks to ameliorate the problem. It also understands the symbols "pi", "e" and "phi" plus all of Tcl's normal math functions. Every rational number has a finite continued fraction. Periodic Infinite continued fractions are precisely the quadratic irrationals. For example, [1;1,1,1,...] is the golden ratio, and [1;2,2,2,...] is the square root of 2. Pi, on the other hand, has an apparently random continued fraction of [3;7,15,1,292,1,1,...]. ---- ---- ====== ##+########################################################################## # # Continued Fractions -- Displays the continued fraction for a number, # either on the console or, if running with Tk, in a window. # Note: limited by the precision of a double # # by Keith Vetter 2013-08-21 # More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction # See also: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=continued+fraction+sqrt(2) # set S(depth) 15 set S(examples) { "phi" "pi" "e" "5/7" "sqrt(2)" "sqrt(3)" "tan(1/2.)" "tan(1/3.)" } set S(expression) [lindex $S(examples) 0] proc DoDisplay {} { global S if {! [info exists ::tk_version]} return wm title . "Continued Fraction" ::tk::entry .expression -textvariable S(expression) tk_optionMenu .examples S(expression,example) {*}$S(examples) for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $S(examples)]} { incr i } { [winfo child .examples] entryconfig $i -command {Go $::S(expression,example)} } ::ttk::button .go -text "Go" -command {Go $::S(expression)} ::tk::label .linear -textvariable S(linear) -bg white -bd 2 -relief ridge -anchor w -padx 2m text .t -height [expr {$S(depth)+1}] -width 70 -wrap none -padx 2m -state disabled .t tag config under -underline 1 grid .expression .examples .go -sticky ew grid .t - - -sticky news grid .linear - - -sticky ew grid rowconfigure . 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 bind .expression {.go invoke} } proc Go {expression} { set ::S(expression) $expression lassign [QuickParseExpression $expression] numExpression denExpression lassign [MakeRational [SafeMath $numExpression] [SafeMath $denExpression]] num den set cf [ComputeCF $num $den] set ::S(linear) [PrettyCF $cf] ShowCF $cf } proc QuickParseExpression {expression} { # Continued fractions work best with integers, so if we can determine that the expression # is of the form "a / b" then we can make the denominator "b" and get better accuracy. # Also, for convenience, convert "pi", "e", and "phi" into their mathematical equivalence. foreach {word value} {"pi" "acos(-1)" "e" "exp(1)" "phi" "((1 + sqrt(5))/2)"} { set expression [regsub -all "\\m$word\\M" $expression $value] } while {[regexp {^ *\( *(.*) *\) *$} $expression . expression]} { continue } set lastDivide -1 set parenCount 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $expression]} {incr i} { set ch [string index $expression $i] if {$ch eq "("} { incr parenCount ; continue } if {$ch eq ")"} { incr parenCount -1 ; continue } if {$ch eq "/" && $parenCount == 0} { set lastDivide $i ; continue } } if {$lastDivide == -1} { return [list $expression 1] } return [list [string range $expression 0 $lastDivide-1] [string range $expression $lastDivide+1 end]] } proc ComputeCF {n m {maxDepth 0}} { set result {} if {$maxDepth <= 0} { set maxDepth $::S(depth) } for {set depth 0} {$depth < $maxDepth} {incr depth} { set integer [expr {$n/$m}] lappend result $integer set n [expr {$n - $integer * $m}] if {$n == 0} break lassign [list $n $m] m n } if {$n > 0} { lappend result "..." } return $result } proc ShowCF {cf} { global THIS ALL if {! [info exists ::tk_version]} { puts "$::S(expression) => [PrettyCF $cf]" puts [join [PrettyPrint $cf] \n] return } GetSizesForDisplaying $cf .t config -state normal .t delete 0.0 end set prefix "" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $cf]-1} {incr i} { set j [expr {$i+1}] set value [lindex $cf $i] set pre [expr {$ALL($j)/2}] set post [expr {($ALL($j)-1)/2}] set one [string repeat " " $pre]1[string repeat " " $post] set line "$prefix$value + " .t insert end $line normal $one under \n append prefix [string repeat " " $THIS($i)] } .t insert end "$prefix[lindex $cf end]" .t config -state disabled } proc PrettyCF {cf} { set rest [lassign $cf first] return "\[$first; [join $rest {, }]\]" } proc PrettyPrint {cf} { global THIS ALL GetSizesForDisplaying $cf set prefix "" set lines {} for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $cf]-1} {incr i} { set j [expr {$i+1}] set value [lindex $cf $i] set blanks [expr {$THIS($i) + $ALL($j)/2}] set line0 "$prefix[string repeat { } $blanks]1" set line1 "$prefix$value + [string repeat {-} $ALL($j)]" lappend lines $line0 $line1 append prefix [string repeat " " $THIS($i)] } set line "$prefix[lindex $cf end]" lappend lines $line return $lines } proc GetSizesForDisplaying {cf} { global THIS ALL unset -nocomplain THIS unset -nocomplain ALL set len [expr {[llength $cf] - 1}] for {set i $len; set last 0} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set value [lindex $cf $i] set THIS($i) [set ALL($i) [string length $value]] if {$last > 0} { incr THIS($i) 3 incr ALL($i) 3 incr ALL($i) $last } set last $ALL($i) } } proc MakeRational {num den} { if {[string is entier $num] && [string is entier $den]} { return [list $num $den] } set num_frac [string length [lindex [split $num "."] 1]] set den_frac [string length [lindex [split $den "."] 1]] set size [expr {max($num_frac,$den_frac)}] set scale "1[string repeat 0 $size]" set num [expr {int($num * $scale)}] set den [expr {int($den * $scale)}] set gcd [gcd $num $den] set num [expr {$num / $gcd}] set den [expr {$den / $gcd}] return [list $num $den] } proc gcd {p q} { while {$q != 0} {set q [expr {$p % [set p $q]}]} return [expr {abs($p)}] } proc ReverseCF {cf} { lassign {1 0} num den foreach term [lreverse $cf] { lassign [list [expr {$term * $num + $den}] $num] num den } return [list $num / $den] } proc SafeMath {expression} { interp create -safe newInterp try { set value [newInterp eval expr \{ $expression \}] } on error {result option} { error "bad expression: '$expression'" } finally { interp delete newInterp } return $value } ################################################################ DoDisplay if {$argv eq {}} { Go [set S(expression,example) [lindex $S(examples) [expr {int(rand()*[llength $S(examples)])}]]] } else { Go [lindex $argv 0] } return ====== <>Enter Category Here