This was a posting by [Jos Decoster] posted to comp.lang.tcl a while back providing some help to the [Bwidgets] developer. [] ---- '''1. Creating a widget with BWidget:''' Introduction: Creating a new widget using BWidgets can help you a lot. You declare the arguments for the new widgets, eventually include some other widgets, write a create, configure, cget and destroy procedure and of you go. A good source for information are the BWidget widgets themselves. The way to create a new widget base an BWidgets has changes since version 1.2.1. This small document tries to explain how to create new BWidgets based on the CVS release of 28-jun-2001. This document is not trying to cover the complete BWidget functionality but only those parts I regularly use to create new widgets. I'll explain how I use BWidgets based on a small example: the TitleFrame included in the BWidget distribution. '''2. Widget declaration:''' Each widget needs it own namespace. In a 'namespace eval' statement, the widget is declared as follows: namespace eval TitleFrame { Widget::declare TitleFrame { {-relief TkResource groove 0 frame} {-borderwidth TkResource 2 0 frame} {-font TkResource "" 0 label} {-foreground TkResource "" 0 label} {-state TkResource "" 0 label} {-background TkResource "" 0 frame} {-text String "" 0} {-ipad Int 4 0 "%d >=0"} {-side Enum left 0 {left center right}} {-baseline Enum center 0 {top center bottom}} {-fg Synonym -foreground} {-bg Synonym -background} {-bd Synonym -borderwidth} } Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" :cmd {-background {}} Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" .l {-background {} -foreground {} -text {} -font {}} Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" .l {-state {}} Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" .p {-background {}} Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" .b {-background {} -relief {} -borderwidth {}} Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" .b.p {-background {}} Widget::addmap TitleFrame "" .f {-background {}} proc ::TitleFrame { path args } { return [eval TitleFrame::create $path $args] } proc use {} {} } The widget::declare statement declares the megawidget options. Possible megawidget option types are: Enum Int Boolean String Flag Synonym TkResource BwResource An option is declared as: