Purpose: Document (particularly core distribution) [Tcl] and [Tk] differences between supported platforms. ** Features unique to [X] Windows versions of Tk ** 1. -display support 1. The [send] command (while [Mac OS X] using an X server supports send (what about [Aqua] MacOS X Tcl/Tk?), send still does not work ''out of the box'' in standard distributions of [Windows] yet) ** Features unique to [Microsoft] Windows versions of Tk ** 1. [Windows specific Tcl commands] 1. [[What are the Windows specific extensions - like [registry], etc.]] 1. [dde] package ** Features unique to Apple MacOS X versions of Tk ** 1. Tclapplescript package for handling [Applescript] 1. The ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences proc is used to set the Preferences menu item in the Application menu. 1. The CFBundleHelpBookFolder item in a bundled app's Info.plist, when set, is used to automatically create a Help menu item which will open Helpbook. 1. [[What are the other MacOS X specific extensions]] 1. The [resource] command 1. /usr/bin/wish - the one shipping with MacOS X is in fact a shell command. This means that it isn't usable in a tcl script's # magic line ** Features which work differently ** 1. Native widgets on Windows/MacOS X vs [Unix] Tcl and [C] widgets [[is there a [wiki] page detailing which of these exist]] 1. menu unpost is documented to not work on windows 1. [[wm attributes]] takes different values on Windows/MacOS, and does nothing on Unix (in [Tcl/Tk], at least). 1. Icon support in [wm]. 1. Mouse wheel bindings. 1. "Right" mouse [button] bindings - Mac users expect "context" menus to work with Control-Button-1; Button-3 seems to be the mouse wheel, if a three-button mouse is connected. 1. The [file] command, especially with directory separators/network drives/etc. 1. The [exec] command has different forms on different platforms, and works slightly differently 1. [glob] (with regard to directory separators) 1. The [tcl_pkgPath] variable is '''missing'''(!!!) in the Windows version of Tcl. I have no idea why people would intentionally do such a thing. ---- Something probably belongs on this page about key names and behaviors - keys like ` have different names on different platforms I believe. Perhaps there are other keys with the same issue? [LV] I presume the writer is taking about the names that [bind] uses for specific keyboard keys (what is the term for that? Not ''key code''; I can't remember the terminology here). ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Platform Issues] | [Category Porting] |% !!!!!!