In a program I wrote a while ago I needed to solve a cubic equation. The algorithm I wrote then used a binary search to find one solution then solved the resulting quadratic equation directly. While I was looking at the code today I wondered if somewhere on wiki there was code to solve a cubic equation directly, and I found one on [Rodney Stephenson]'s page under a section he has for testing tcl performance. I thought the code deserved a page of its own. ---- # assumes that the first coefficient is always 1 proc cubic { a1 a2 a3 } { set PI 3.1415926535897932385 set a12 [expr {$a1*$a1}] set Q [expr {($a12-3*$a2)/9.}] set R [expr {(2*$a1*$a12-9*$a1*$a2+27*$a3)/54.}] set Z [expr {$Q*$Q*$Q - $R*$R}] if {$Z == 0.0} { if {$Q==0.0} { set x0 [expr {-$a1/3.}] return [list $x0] } else { if {$R<0} { set x0 [expr {2*sqrt($Q)-$a1/3.}] set x1 [expr {-sqrt($Q)-$a1/3.}] } else { set x0 [expr {sqrt($Q)- $a1/3.}] set x1 [expr {-2*sqrt($Q)-$a1/3.}] } return [list $x0 $x1] } } elseif {$Z<0.0} { set z2 [expr {pow(sqrt(-$Z) + abs($R), 1.0/3.0)}] set z1 [expr {$z2 + $Q/$z2}] if {$R>0} {set z1 [expr {-$z1}]} set x0 [expr {$z1 - $a1/3.}] return [list $x0] } else { set theta [expr {$R/sqrt($Q*$Q*$Q)}] set Q2 [expr {-2.0*sqrt($Q)}] set theta [expr {acos($theta)}] set x0 [expr {$Q2*cos($theta/3.0)-$a1/3.}] set x1 [expr {$Q2*cos(($theta+2*$PI)/3.0)-$a1/3.}] set x2 [expr {$Q2*cos(($theta+4*$PI)/3.0)-$a1/3.}] return [list $x0 $x1 $x2] } } ---- ''[escargo] 26 Feb 2003'' - Is it worthwhile to manually factor out common subexpressions like sqrt($Q) and $a1/3. that occur in multiple places? Is it possible for the byte compiler to do optimizations across multiple expr evaluations? ''[DKF]'' - It's theoretically possible, but we don't. And it's not in general possible to factor out ''any'' read of a variable due to traces. ---- [Category Mathematics]