AWESOME! This is a small program for linux to switch between desktop/workspaces with customizable labels. Requires the package NX (descendant of Xotcl) Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity 2D and Gnome (no effects). At the moment will not work on Unity 3D or Gnome with effects, but it can easily be fixed by modifing the wmctrl -s statement. ENJOY..!!! ====== package require Tk package require Tclx package require nx namespace import ::nx::* set deskCount 0 set activeDesk [exec wmctrl -d | cut -f 1,3 -d { } | grep \* | cut -f 1 -d { }] Class create Desk { :variable deskName {} :method init {} { wm withdraw . destroy .desk toplevel .desk wm attributes .desk -topmost 1 ; # on top wm geometry .desk +0+0 wm overrideredirect .desk yes ; # remove window decorations } :public method add {name} { global deskCount global deskCountList lappend :deskName $name lappend deskCountList $deskCount label .desk.lbl_$deskCount -text $name -height 1 -padx 7 -pady 0 -bg #222222 -fg #bdbdbd \ -font {-family "Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01" -size 12} bind .desk.lbl_$deskCount "[self] pressed $deskCount" pack .desk.lbl_$deskCount -side left ; incr deskCount } :public method pressed {desk} { global deskCountList set active [.desk.lbl_$desk cget -text] foreach c $deskCountList { .desk.lbl_$c configure -fg [expr {[.desk.lbl_$c cget -text] eq $active ? "#efefef" : "#bdbdbd"}] .desk.lbl_$c configure -bg [expr {[.desk.lbl_$c cget -text] eq $active ? "#535d6c" : "#222222"}] } exec wmctrl -s $desk global deskCount global activeDesk foreach app [lindex ${:deskApp} $activeDesk] { label .desk.lbl_$deskCount -text $app -height 1 -padx 7 -pady 0 -bg #535149 -fg #DFDBD2 \ -font {-family "Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01" -size 12} pack .desk.lbl_$deskCount -side left ; incr deskCount } } } Desk create desk desk add main desk add development desk add television desk add office desk pressed $activeDesk ======