to see a pure-Tcl implementation of a DES (just 56-bit encryption) go []. This can/should go into the tcllib. to encrypt do: package require des DES::GetKey -encrypt encryptKeysArray # or DES::GetKey -encryptVNC encryptKeysArray set encryptedBlock [DES::DoBlock encryptKeysArray] ... to decrypt do: package require des DES::GetKey -decrypt decryptKeysArray set plainText [DES::DoBlock decryptKeysArray] ... I did a pure-tcl implementation of Eric Young's fast version some years ago. The recent developement of [TkVNC] (pure-Tcl as well) and the missing authentication, leads me to release the code. Unfortunately, I recognize that the [VNC] implementation generates the key vector out of the key/password slightly different. So I reimplemented another, more readable version, whichs allows standard and VNC mode easily to be switched. I still have the old version around. [Jochen Loewer]