Not realy nice yet just quick and splashes of blood. * The scanning could be replaced with "binary scan". * Unix <> Dos path handling is nonexistent. * The DateTimes in the archive format are ignored. * Files are extracted to uppercase names. * Files split across multiple archive parts are patched together in the right way if one expands into an empty filepath. * Start with dumping all files from the disk set into the current directory. The archive format description is taken from "Technical Documentation for FreeDOS Backup & Restore" [] #!/usr/bin/tclsh set ptype U set pre_path ".\\restore\\" set do 1 set idx 0 while {1} { set bidx [ format %03d [ incr idx ] ] set backup backup.$bidx set control control.$bidx set stfd [ open $backup r ] fconfigure $stfd -encoding binary -translation binary set ctrlfd [ open $control r ] fconfigure $ctrlfd -encoding binary -translation binary set index [ read $ctrlfd ] set len [string length $index] ; puts stderr indexlen:$len set pos 0 while {$pos < $len} { set act [string index $index $pos ] scan $act %c val puts -nonewline stderr [format "0x%02x " $val] switch -- $act \ \x8b { puts stderr "Header" set headerentry [ string range $index $pos [ incr pos 0x8b ] ] set hd_signature [ string range $headerentry 1 7 ] scan [ string range $headerentry 9 9 ] %c hd_backno set hd_filler [ string range $headerentry 10 137 ] scan [ string range $headerentry 138 138 ] %c hd_lastdisk puts stderr [format "\t\"%s\" %d %d\n" $hd_signature $hd_backno $hd_lastdisk] } \x46 { puts stderr "Dir Entry" set direntry [ string range $index $pos [ incr pos 0x46 ] ] set dir_path [ string range $direntry 1 63 ] set dir_path [ string trimright ${pre_path}$dir_path \x0 ] set dir_fcnt [ string range $direntry 64 65 ] binary scan $dir_fcnt s dir_fcnt set dir_dummy [ string range $direntry 66 69 ] puts stderr [format "\t\"%s\" %d \n" $dir_path $dir_fcnt ] if {$do} { if { $ptype== "U" } { set dir_path [ string map [ list \\ /] $dir_path ] } puts stderr "trying: mkdir $dir_path" catch [ file mkdir $dir_path ] } } \x22 { puts stderr "File Entry" set fileentry [ string range $index $pos [ incr pos 0x22 ] ] set file_name [ string range $fileentry 1 12 ] set file_name [ string trimright $file_name \x0 ] scan [string range $fileentry 13 13 ] %c file_split set file_size [ string range $fileentry 14 17 ] binary scan $file_size i file_size set file_cidx [ string range $fileentry 18 19 ] binary scan $file_cidx s file_cidx set file_coffs [ string range $fileentry 20 23 ] binary scan $file_coffs i file_coffs set file_clen [ string range $fileentry 24 27 ] binary scan $file_clen i file_clen scan [ string range $fileentry 28 28 ] %c file_attrib set file_dummy [ string range $fileentry 29 29 ] set file_dtime [ string range $fileentry 30 33 ] binary scan $file_dtime i file_dtime puts stderr [format "\t\"%s\" %d %d %08x:%08x %02x %08x\n" \ $file_name $file_size $file_cidx \ $file_coffs $file_clen $file_attrib \ $file_dtime \ ] if {$do} { seek $stfd $file_coffs start set file_cont [ read $stfd $file_clen ] puts stderr "trying: open [ file join $dir_path $file_name ]" set fd [ open [ file join $dir_path $file_name ] a ] fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation binary puts -nonewline $fd $file_cont close $fd } } \x00 { puts stderr "End of File" incr pos } puts -nonewline stderr next? ; # gets stdin } close $stfd close $ctrlfd }