Dandelion [http://pietersz.co.uk/software/dandelion-server] is a small easily embeddable server, more capable than the very light servers (multiple simultaneous connections, multiple sites on different ports, can handle HEAD requests correctly, etc.), but much smaller and simpler than Wub or Tclhttpd [lordmundi] (2011-04-05): Seems to be a good mix of features and simplicity. I noticed the comments were closed on the author's page so figured i would document an issue here. After unzipping the package, I noticed the ::stop command wasn't working, giving a key value problem on the dict command. I changed my stop procedure to the following in dandelion.tcl: ====== #==stop #Stop server, remove info from dict. proc stop {port} { variable ports close [dict get [dict get $ports $port] server_sock] dict unset ports $port } ====== <>Webserver