by [Theo Verelst] This page is about a 'little chore' I did in the progress of making [bwise] canvasses save not just drawable elements, but also widgets, which can be part of bwise blocks like entries, the oscilloscope, shells, etc. ''Much'' earlier I liked to save the UI of a Tk application by foreach-ing all widgets with a recursive list routine, for instance [ilist], and then be able to read a prototyped UI back in the next session by sourcing the result with all options from a file. At some point, it become unclear to me how the options actually held together, because that technique generated errors with later tcl versions, which was a pity. Now, I though I'd first have a look at the options and the non-writable ones, before starting a save-upgrade, and it seemed natural to spend a few script lines to use (at least 6/7 years old) [Database routines for in core], which are list based, and simple enough to use with default settings. [] Also, I'll probably find opportunity to make a upgraded complete, one-about-hundred-K-file bwise available, possibly when I'm done. To get a list of all widgets, the latest bwise thusfar has a function called [ilist], which returns a list of all widgets with default arguments. One could also use [pro_args] and that procedure (or simply the right arguments, pro_args just helps with named arguments) to make another widget list in this case only one deep: eval [pro_args ilist {{begin .fb} {maxdepth 1}}] To make a list-contained database (a list of lists) of the configuration option values of all widgets currently present in the application: set dbvar {} foreach w [ilist] { set t [list [list widget $w]]; foreach i [$w conf] { lappend t [list [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i end]] } ; lappend dbvar $t } After possibly changing the routine 'onefield' from bwise (just double click it in the function window list) to use a smaller font to make the normal option list fit on your screen (I used pointsize 7 for the above), unless you have 1200 vertical pixels, then you should be fine, type: dbaccess which shows you the above database entry window, where you can Previous Next and other database access options through the widget database. Adapt the dbform procedure to have a 'Do' button which lets you update widgets to reflect the changes you make to the database browse window (between the #####'s is the addition): proc dbform { {fields} {title {Database Form}} {window {.dbf}} {fw {20}} {ew {20}} } { global dbcurrent ccontent cname cvars currententry global searchstring searchfields if {[winfo exists $window] == 0} {toplevel $window} {foreach i [winfo children $window] {destroy $i} }; $window conf -bg white; label $window.t -text $title -font "helvetica 11" -bg yellow -fg blue; pack $window.t -anchor n -padx 3 -pady 3; list2array $fields foreach i $cvars { set wn [string tolower $i]; # onefield $window.$wn $cname($i) ccontent($i) $fw $ew; onefield $window.$wn $i ccontent($i) $fw $ew; } global currententry newcurrententry frame $window.wb; pack $window.wb -side bottom -anchor s -fill x -expand n button $ -text Next -command { global newcurrententry dbvar if {$newcurrententry < [expr [llength $dbvar] -1]} {incr newcurrententry} display_entry $newcurrententry } pack $ -side right button $window.wb.pre -text Previous -command { global newcurrententry incr newcurrententry -1 if {$newcurrententry < 0} {set newcurrententry 0} display_entry $newcurrententry } entry $ -width 5 -textvar newcurrententry pack $ -side right bind $ { global newcurrententry currententry dbvar if {$newcurrententry > [expr [llength $dbvar] -1]} { set newcurrententry $currententry } if {$newcurrententry < 0 } { set newcurrententry $currententry } display_entry $newcurrententry } pack $window.wb.pre -side right button $window.wb.undo -text Unedit -command {list2array $dbcurrent} pack $window.wb.undo -side left frame $; pack $ -side bottom -anchor s -fill x -expand n label $ -text "Field(s), Search string" -font "helvetica 12" pack $ -side left entry $ -textvar searchstring -width 16 pack $ -side right entry $ -textvar searchfields -width 10 pack $ -side right bind $ { global newcurrententry; set newcurrententry [lindex [lindex [dbsearch $searchstring $searchfields [list [expr $newcurrententry+1] end]] 0] 0]; set t [bind ]; eval $t } ##################### button -text Do -command { set dbcurrent [array2list]; foreach i $dbcurrent { if {[lindex $i 0] == "widget"} { set wi [lindex $i 1] } ; } foreach i $dbcurrent {if [catch {eval $wi conf $i} j] {puts $i,$j} } } pack -side left ##################### bind $window "$window.wb.pre invoke" bind $window "$ invoke" } (subject is being worked on)