Version 7 of Debugging via introspection

Updated 2003-06-21 01:02:44

Purpose: to discuss the tools and techniques for debugging Tcl/Tk/etc. applications making use of Tcl's introspection capabilities.

  • Tools to leverage Tcl's native introspection
  1. TkInspect (the Tcl Dev Kit has an enhanced version)
  2. TkCon
  3. XotclIDE
  • Techniques
  1. info is your friend. escargo is fond of using a proc containing puts [lindex [info level -1] 0 ]

[I'd love to see pointers to tutorials, white papers, etc. on how to make use of tkinspect, tkcon, etc. for debugging Tcl/Tk applications].

So would I :-)

[PT] 21-Jun-03: I've added a tkinspect tutorial to the Tkinspect page.

Category Debugging