This page is building up a list of bits of [Tcl 9.0 WishList%|%Tcl%|%] and [Tk 9.0 WishList%|%Tk%|%] that are deprecated and which may be removed in 9.0. ---- **Tcl** 1. The [case] command. 1. The old [puts] syntax. 1. The [opt] package. **Tk** 1. The [message] widget. 1. Stippling of [canvas] items and [text] tags (non-portable). 1. Bitmap canvas items (not bitmap [image]s!) 1. Old [pack] syntax. [ZB] 2009-11-26 Why "message" is deprecated? I think, short rationale in each case would make the reasons more clear... ---- **Items marked as deprecated in Tcl and Tk without a specific version or date for removal yet** ***Tcl C API*** * TclpMatchFiles * Tcl_Backslash * Tcl_DStringTrunc * Tcl_GlobalEval, Tcl_GlobalEvalObj, Tcl_VarEval, Tcl_VarEvalVA * Tcl_Read, Tcl_Write * Tcl_EvalTokens * Tcl_AppendResult, Tcl_AppendResultVA, Tcl_AppendElement, Tcl_FreeResult, ** [DKF]: Tcl_AppendResult is not deprecated. *** [LV]: Okay - was just basing that comment on SetResult.3's reference to Tcl_AppendResult right after saying ''Use of the following procedures is deprecated...'' * direct access to interp->result ** [DKF]: This is gone in 8.6 unless you use a back-compat macro (whose name I forget) when compiling your code. ***Tcl script API*** * [trace] variable, trace vdelete, trace vinfo * [clock scan] without a `-format` option provided * ARE regular expression comments ((?#ttt) * :<: and :>: regular expression bracketed constraints * [tcltest] commands and variables that are undocumented in the tcltest.n man page ** [DGP]: Note that the timing for that deprecation would be the release of tcltest 3.0, which may well not be tied to the release of Tcl 9.0. ***Tk C API*** * TK_CONFIG_OPTION_SPECIFIED bit in Tk_ConfigureWidget is deprecated ** [DKF]: Actually, we want to scrap that whole API. Can't do it yet; it's still in use for things like [canvas] items. And the [scrollbar] too. But we ''want'' to get rid of it. ***Tk script API*** * [scrollbar] '''widget set totalUnits windowUnits firstUnit lastUnit''' syntax is deprecated ---- '''[dkf] - 2009-11-24 18:07:08''' Note that I may not have thought of everything. There's quite a few crufty corners in there, quietly mouldering away... <>Development