Version 0 of Depth of a list

Updated 2004-05-31 16:21:55

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2004-05-31 - How deeply nested is a list? ulis asked for a list::depth function in Internal organization of the list extension. I first checked Tcllib's ::struct::list man page, but found no such thing. So I gladly took up the little challenge, but ran into problems. Assume we can all agree with

 [ldepth {a b c}]   == 1
 [ldepth {a {b c}}] == 2

and so on. But what would ldepth a be? 1 too, because it is a one-element list? 0, because it's just an "atom" and not a list? And ldepth {}? 1, because it is a list, although with zero elements? 0, because it's an atom too? Anyway, here's what I came up with, after consulting the old faithful Winston/Horn book on LISP:}

 proc ldepth list {
    expr {
        [llength $list] == 0? 1:
        [atomar $list]?       0:
           1+[max [lmap ldepth $list]]
 proc atomar list {expr {[lindex $list 0] eq $list}}

 proc max list {
    set res [lindex $list 0]
    foreach e [lrange $list 1 end] {if {$e>$res} {set res $e}}
    set res

 proc lmap {func list} {
    set res {}
    foreach e $list {lappend res [$func $e]}
    set res

if 0 {Here's testing:

 % ldepth {a b c}
 % ldepth a
 % ldepth {}
 % ldepth {a {b c}}
 % ldepth {a b c d {e {f g} h} i}

As Tcl's list semantics differs a bit from LISP's, I'm unsure how the two corner cases, "a" and "{}", should be defined. The elegant recursion is only possible if "a" counts as 0.

What do y'all think?

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