Dervish [] [] is a collection of libraries and corresponding tcl bindings developed at [Fermilab] to support the Sloan Digital Sky Survey project. Dervish lets you allocate, use, and deallocate memory for data structures, not just strings as is usual in tcl. A "chain" is a doubly linked list of structures. You can interactively look through a chain. Commands that load and save data often do such as chains. You can retrieve specific elements of a chain. Dervish uses an interface to pgPlot for plotting, using fairly direct mappings to the C and Fortran interfaces. A Dervish "vector" is a one dimensional array of floats. One can operate on all elements of a vector at once. Given that we can allocate and deallocate memory manually in Dervish, the possibility of memory leaks is an issue. Dervish provides some tools for debugging them. Source code: [] <>Data Structure