Rivet (or ''mod_rivet'') is a module of the famous web server Apache. People mostly use PHP scripting language to build websites. However, for those who want to write websites using Tcl instead of PHP, you can use Rivet. And I am one of those rare people who use Rivet instead of PHP on this site address: http://superlinux.net%|%superlinux.net%|% . You will notice in my website, on your address bar of your browser, that the address of the pages ends with ''.rvt'' instead of ''.php'' like what many websites have. Now, to get the runtime status of PHP , one would use the function ''phpinfo()''. At the time of this writing, Rivet is in version 2.2.2 . Yet, Rivet does not have a quickly called function like that. You will need to contact and run a number of commands to get it done for you. What I have done here is re-organizing and re-arranging them mimicking ''phpinfo()'' in a command called ''rivet_info'' . I here put a big thanks to Mr. Massimo Manghi for his help in this. http://superlinux.net/info.rvt%|%Click here for a demo%|% Here is the code of the command ''rivet_info''. Please understand that the logo of Rivet is embeded in the html tag. ''Please copy the function carefully'' ====== home.png } puts {

Server Configuration

} puts {

} array set http_server_array [ ::rivet::inspect server] foreach { key value } [array get http_server_array] { puts "" } foreach { key value } [array get ::server] { puts "" } puts {

} puts {

Running Configuration

} puts [ ::rivet::inspect ] puts {

} array set rivet_config_array [ ::rivet::inspect -all ] foreach { key value } [array get rivet_config_array] { puts "" } puts {

} puts {

Tcl Packages

} puts {

} foreach pkg_name [package names] { set pkg_version "[package versions $pkg_name]  " puts "" } puts {

} puts {

Tcl Package Configuration

} puts {

} foreach config [tcl::pkgconfig list] { set config_value "[tcl::pkgconfig get $config]  " puts "" } puts {

} } #running the procedure rivet_info rivet_info ?> ====== <>Enter Category Here