In the chat, [Arjen Markus] and [Pascal Scheffers] have decided to see who wants to attend a Dutch Tcl Users Group. A tentative date for a first meeting is is 10 / 11 Februari 2003 (monday/tuesday) A possible location is the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam ([PS] will ask if it's okay). So, who will join us? * [Arjen Markus] * [Pascal Scheffers] * Clif Flynt??? * [Jean-Claude Wippler] * John Remijn ''[Pascal Scheffers] is curious about who John Remijn is, what he does, etc. [AM] we are just curious about you as a "new kid on the block" :)'' (JR) A typical TCL user, for quite some time now. Currently using TCL for test automation. Or more exactly, i am encouraging others to use it. And being quite succesful at that :-) ---- '''Topics, Talks and Catering''' [PS] I am rather new at this (TUGing), so what does every one want? If enough people show up, a couple of full blown presentations would be nice. Or we could keep it simple and just chat about what we do. I'll start of a list of things I've recently Tcl-i-fied, but please add things you have done or would like to discuss. * Linking database applications together (Postgresql, Sybase, MS Access) * Fully automated, encrypted email messaging * Web based database applications (AOLserver) * Using Tcl to create network tunnels * Mail transformation with Tcl and qmail. * ... [AM] Let me add the things that I use Tcl for: * Mathematical tools - just hobbyism I suppose, but I find Tcl to be particularly easy for that * Test automation - especially for the numerical models and auxiliary programs I maintain and develop professionally * Graphical user-interfaces - a few commercial applications where light-weight GUIs are required * Controlling external programs - both as part of test automation and for its own sake (catching the results, making sure all the input is there etc.)