[dbohdan] 2015-08-01: I found this page difficult to parse, so I restructured it creating sections that I thought would be the best for organizing the information here. I ordered the news items and the discussions topics chronologically newest to oldest. JJM, I hope you don't mind the changes. ---- '''[000] - 2014-03-12 04:02:24''' Anybody knows how this fly with Modern http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Runtime%|%WindowsRuntime%|%? If it does well, it can open a way to simply and easily make Tcl-enabled Windows (Phone) Store Apps! ---- '''[Lectus] - 2011-05-08 08:46:11''' This project is an awesome idea and should help people integrate Tcl in their .NET projects and should bring more visibility/popularity to Tcl. ---- [mh2] It seems to me that ToCharArray method of the class String returns "tcl list of characters", not .NET object; eagle {set s1 [object create -alias String "qqq www eee"]} eagle {$s1 ToCharArray} #% q q q { } w w w { } e e e as a result, I can not call BlockCopy method: catch { eagle { set b1 [object create -alias {Byte[]} 1000] object invoke System.Buffer BlockCopy [$s1 ToCharArray] 0 $b1 0 [$b1 Length]} } err; set err #% could not convert method #3 "System.Buffer.BlockCopy" argument #0 "src" with value "q q q { } w w w { } e e e" to type "System.Array": System.NullReference Is it possible to cope somehow with that problem??? (may be, by using some special options?) [JJM] Sure. In the call to [$s1 ToCharArray], simply use the -create option, like this: [$s1 -create ToCharArray] [mh2] Thanks. Is there somewhere a description of an "object" command and options such as "-create" ? [DEC] I'm sure this would get more traction if some documentation were produced. Coming from a Tcl C perspective I have no idea how to drive this, some more detailed examples would be good. [JJM] The [https://eagle.to/tutorial/01/index.html%|%Eagle Integration Tutorial%|%] is now available. Looking forward to feedback on it. ------ [RS] 2008-10-06: As Eagle is a Tcl reimplementation (somehow comparable to [Jacl] or [tcl.js]?), do you test it with the Tcl test suite? 2008/10/06 [JJM] - Currently, it supports old-style tests and quite a few tests can run unmodified in Eagle; a more extensive test suite is a work in progress.. ------ ''[escargo] 18 Sep 2008'' - The SourceForge web site that is linked to by the official web site ''seems'' to date from the year 2000. -- [JJM] wrong link removed. [MHo] 2022-03-17: Unfortunally, the download page https://eagle.to/download.html does not contain any downloads besides conference papers. Further Links lead to the forum page. I registered there, but the login did not get rights to do anything at the fossil site. [JJM] 2022-03-18: Please try https://eagle.to/download_full.html which is linked from the main download page. <> Discussion | Language | Tcl Implementations | Distribution | Porting | Maintained Tcl Implementations