Eagle (Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine) is an implementation of the [Tcl] scripting language for the Common Language Runtime ([CLR]). The web site is here [http://eagle.to/]. Information on the latest changes can be found in the [http://eagle.to/ChangeLog%|%Eagle ChangeLog%|%]. The official source code repository ([Fossil]) is located here [https://eagle.to/cgi-bin/fossil]. Eagle was the subject of a paper at the [Seventeenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2010)]. Eagle was the subject of a paper at the [Sixteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2009)]. Eagle was presented at the [http://www.langnetsymposium.com/%|%2009 Lang.NET Symposium%|%]. The slides and the video from my talk are now available on the [http://eagle.to/%|%Eagle web site%|%]. Eagle was the subject of a paper at the [Fifteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2008)]. Preliminary support for running on [Mono] 2.0+ has been added. When running on Mono, using version 2.4 or higher is recommended, as several critical issues have been identified and fixed. The latest build adds support for TIP 335 [http://tip.tcl.tk/335] and TIP 336 [http://tip.tcl.tk/336]. This article is basically a stub for now, more information will be forthcoming. I would really appreciate help in testing the latest build on different platforms (e.g. Windows 2000 (totally untested), Windows XP, Vista, 7 Beta, 64-bit, Mono on Linux/Unix/Mac OS X, etc). To make testing as streamlined as possible, I have added an interactive command "#test" that runs the entire test suite. -- [JJM] ---- ''[escargo] 18 Sep 2008'' - The SourceForge web site that is linked to by the official web site ''seems'' to date from the year 2000. -- [JJM] wrong link removed. 2008/09/18 [JJM] - The project registration is still pending approval over at [SourceForge]. The one that you are seeing has been abandoned and has nothing to do with this project. 2008/10/11 [JJM] - The project will soon be hosted on [CodePlex] at [http://www.codeplex.com/eagle] for the time being. Meanwhile, ''preview'' source and binary releases are available on the project web site. Thanks to [Pat Thoyts] and [Jeffrey Hobbs] for helping me a great deal during the release process. 2009/09/15 [JJM] - Apparently, the SourceForge project approval was simply dropped on the floor after nearly a year and my emails to them have gone unanswered; therefore, the project will simply remain on CodePlex and nowhere else. [RS] 2008-10-06: As Eagle is a Tcl reimplementation (somehow comparable to [Jacl] or [tcl.js]?), do you test it with the Tcl test suite? 2008/10/06 [JJM] - Currently, it supports old-style tests and quite a few tests can run unmodified in Eagle; a more extensive test suite is a work in progress.. ---- [Eagle: Re-implementing Tcl in C#] <>Language|Tcl Implementations