An '''empty interpreter''' is a Tcl interpreter where there are neither commands nor variables. The following creates an empty slave [interp] '''empty''' for you to experiment with: interp create -safe empty empty eval {namespace delete ::} (The [namespace delete] trick here is by [DGP], first published on the [Braintwisters] page.) '''empty''' now exhibits the following behaviour: % empty eval {info patchlevel} invalid command name "info" % empty eval {namespace exists ::} invalid command name "namespace" and so on. What good is such an interpreter? Well, it is still possible to create aliases in it: % empty alias list list {[list] in empty interp} list % empty eval {list a b c} {[list] in empty interp} a b c Hence empty interpreters can be used as [config file parser]s, for config files that follow Tcl syntax: For every allowed "config file command" you create that command as an alias to something in the main interpreter which actually does what that command is supposed to do. Then [source] or [interp eval] the config file in the empty interpreter, to have it safely processed. ''How can I [source] the file when the [source] command is gone?'' you may ask? Well, as it turns out, the [source] command (and a few others) aren't really gone, since they were [interp hidden] from the [namespace delete] that emptied the interpreter: % empty hidden file socket open unload pwd glob exec encoding fconfigure load source exit cd % empty invokehidden source my-config-file couldn't read file "my-config-file": no such file or directory ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Control Structure] | |Category Security] |% !!!!!!