Version 5 of Errx

Updated 2002-09-03 21:12:50


The idea of errx came to me as I was enerved by debugging puts. It resembles a bit of the BSD errx/warnx pair, although it combines both functionalities into one function. Furthermore it offers something like a debuggers bt , i.e. backtrace.

It is not yet finished, but I use it daily already, although the more fancy things (like the bt) are not yet fully finished or even nonexistant.

Martin Weber [L1 ]

Make it simple, paste it here - code on a wiki page, with the ensuing discussions, is more attractive and pedagogical than a URL to download a tar.gz bundle... (RS ;-)

In fact I had exactly that in mind - errx itself is lean, but I am using it in a bundle with some other stuff - bgerror, and some other utility stuff which I've packed into ::Error ... gonna present errx here and offer the rest for download :)

And here we go. This is the factored out errx which I already use. I have cut out about anything which is not yet finished.

 # When this is sourced, set errchann and debugging if not set
 # to sane values.
 if {![info exists ::errchann]} { set ::errchann stderr }
 if {![info exists ::debugging]} { set ::debugging 0 }

 proc errx { txt {flags {info debug}} } {
    global argv0 debugging errchann errorInfo lastargs

    if {![string length $errchann]} { return }

    if {![info exists debugging]} { set debugging 0 }

    # if !debugging immediate return when flags contain debug
    if {([set dbgpos [lsearch $flags debug]] != -1) && !$debugging} { return } else { set flags [lreplace $flags $dbgpos $dbgpos] }

    upvar _DEBUG _debug
    if {![info exists _debug]} { set _debug 0 }
    if {([set dbgpos [lsearch $flags DEBUG]] != -1) && !$_debug} { return } else { set flags [lreplace $flags $dbgpos $dbgpos] }

    if {[info level]==1}  { ;# caller is global!
        set caller "*global*"
        set verbose ""
    } else {
        set caller [lindex [info level -1] 0]
        set verbose "$argv0:\[<$caller>\] Called as: [info level -1]"
    if {[set flp [lsearch $flags time]]!= -1} {
        set intro "$argv0@([clock format [clock seconds]]):\[<$caller>\]"
        set flags [lreplace $flags $flp $flp]
    } else {
        set intro "$argv0:\[<$caller>\]"

    switch -- $flags {
        sparse      {   puts $errchann "$txt" }
        ""          -
        debug       { ;# this shouldn't happen, but can if two debug flags are given. 
                        puts $errchann "$intro:<DEBUG> $txt"
        info        {   puts $errchann "$intro:<INFO> $txt" }
        warning     {   puts $errchann "$intro:<WARNING> $txt"}
        error       {   puts $errchann "$intro:<ERROR!> $txt\n$verbose" ; exit 1 }
        critical    {   puts $errchann "$intro: ** CRITICAL ERROR ! **"
                        if {[info exists errorInfo]} { puts $errchann " -- $errorInfo" }
                        if {[info exists errorCode]} { puts $errchann " -- $errorCode" }
                        for {set lv [expr [info level] -1 ]} { $lv } { incr lv -1 } {
                            puts $errchann "================================================================================"
                            puts $errchann " Level $lv, [info level $lv]."
                            puts $errchann " Local variables:"
                            uplevel #$lv { foreach v [info locals] { upvar #[info level] $v _v; puts $::errchann "$v=$_v\t" } }
                            puts $errchann "\n"
                        exit 1
        default     { errx "Invalid flags given to errx ($flags)!" error } 

Its strong points are mainly that you can switch messages on and off, and even use for non debugging, but warning or informational purposes.

If the variable _DEBUG is set in the calling environment, and set to 1 (or true), then the DEBUG token works. If the global variable debugging is set, then the debug token works. (works in the sense like "the debug modifier works", see the first and third example)

In general you'd use it like follows:

 # if {$_DEBUG} in calling environment, output <INFO> msg
 errx "local-var-I-want-to-know is $bla" {info DEBUG}

 # output a <WARNING> unconditionally
 errx "I just deleted my harddisk!" warning

 # if {$::debugging}, output a <debug> msg
 errx "Hmm, environment doesn't seem sane..." debug

 # Output a error along with stack backtrace, inspection
 # of local variables up the stack and a timestamp,
 # exit the application.
 errx "YIKES! THE ALIENS ARE COMING!" {critical time}

 # Kill the application with your error message
 errx "hmm, something went wildly wrong." error

What I like about it is that it displays the caller and the script for which it works, normally with 'puts' you do all the same all the time:

 puts stderr "this-proc, that-var is $bla @ [clock format [clock seconds]"

Furthermore, when you switch your code to use a global routine like that, can easily say something like:

 set ::debugging 1
 set ::errchann [open debug.log {WRONLY CREAT TRUNC}]

and collect all information from it at a central place...

More to come, -Martin