[WJG] 2022-10-01: A quick snippet on extracting a list of numbers from a string. ====== proc extractNumbers {str} { set res "" foreach c [split $str ""] { if { [string is integer $c] } { set a 1 append res $c } elseif { $c eq "," || $c eq "." } { if {$a} { append res $c } } else { set a 0 append res " " } } return [string trim $res] } ====== [pyk] 2022-10-02: What about numbers like "this .13 here?". Over at [Regular Expression Examples] there's a [regexp] command to extract numbers from a string. [wjg] 22-10-22: Firstly, is ".13" a number? I'm not interested in numbers per se, but extracting sub-strings. The examples that I've seen and the examples that I actually understand are, respectively, many and none. I'm sure that there's some arcane regexp "formula" to extract a series of numeric substrings from a passage of text, it takes a better man than me to work that one out.