* FITS is the "Flexible Image Transport System", and is the standard image format used by astronomers [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FITS] [http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/fits.html] * A lot of professional astronomical software uses Tcl/Tk for its GUI, FITS as its graphics file format, and [GPL] as its license Tcl/Tk software for FITS files: * [SAOTk] - an extension of Tk for visualization/analysis/imaging of FITS data * [ds9] - application built around [SAOTk] and several other components * [fitsTcl] - an extension of Tcl for accessing FITS data * [fv] - FITS file editor built using [fitsTcl] and several other components * [TclMagick] [http://tclmagick.sourceforge.net/], a Tcl wrapper for [http://imagemagick.net/script/index.php%|%ImageMagick ] or [http://www.graphicsmagick.org/%|%GraphicsMagick ], can be used to convert to and from FITS format (appears to create monochrome FITS files only). DS9 and fv are supplied as standalone binaries; however if the correct components are built and installed, each can be run as a Tcl script. Because this is not the intended mode of operation, the non-standard bundled components are not always supplied as packages and may need to be loaded with [load]. Non-Tcl software for FITS files: * [http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/%|%Netpbm ] can be used to convert to or from FITS * [http://hea-www.harvard.edu/saord/funtools/%|%funtools ] (FITS Users Need Tools) * Many tools in the ftools and HEASOFT suites to which fv belongs [http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/lheasoft/] <> Graphics | Image Processing | Visualization