Feb 22 Tcl Meetup Notes possible topics * Google Summer Of Code 2022 [SEH] * Tcl 9 - how can we help make it happen? [stevel] * Unicode / 8.7 / 9.0 [oehhar] et al Tcl 9 * Brian looked at text widget ....
* Tcl 9 beta ... any reason why not? Robert Parker asked about json Simon * excited about Tcl 9 * would like to help * is there a consolidated list of things that need doing? (Brian suggested the core ticket list) * is there a consolidated list of what has been changed? * is there a consolidated list of breaking changes? * does 8.7 set changes in concrete too early? (Nathan please expand) Unicode * Tcl 9 full unicode * do we need 8.7 compatibility? (Nathan, please expand) * should we just jump to 9 and forget about 8.7? (Ashok) 8.7 * Ashok suggested getting 8.7 out without unicode changes ASAP, Brian supported * We want to get 8.7 & 9.0 out. Many great TIPS are ready since 8 years and we do not get them in production ([apn], [oehhar]). How can we unblock a release? * [pooryorick] stated that he will skip 8.7 and invest only in 9.0. We have a lack of resources and 8.7 is just another complexity. * 8.7. exists because of the octal change, which is a breaking change on the string level [stevel] [chw] talked about some of the fancy stuff he's been doing - including rotating color emoji on a canvas. There was a discussion, if it was possible to have the sdl+agg branch in tk core.