%|||% &|What |'''ffidl'''|& &|Where |http://elf.org/ffidl/|& &|Description|Extension which allows pure Tcl [extension]s to invoke shared<
>library functions without glue.<
>Available for [Linux], [Windows] and [Mac OS X].<
>Currently at version 0.6 .|& &|Updated |??/2006|& &|Contact |mailto:rec@elf.org ([Roger E Critchlow%|%Roger E. Critchlow Jr.])|& [RM] you can find a version 0.6 at [http://rutherglen.ics.mq.edu.au/~steffen/tcltk/ffidl/doc] (see below for details) *broken link*. ---- [ABU] 2-apr-2009 - For MacOS users, an unofficial update version 0.6.1 can be found at * [http://www.categorifiedcoder.info/tcltk/ffidl/ffidl-0.6.1-darwin-9-univ.tar.gz] SOURCE * [http://www.tcl.tk/starkits/ffidl0.6.1_ub.tgz] MacOS Universal Binary (tested on Leopard) Note that the binary package listed at http://elf.org/ffidl/ does not work on Tiger/Leopard (? only for PowerPC ?) [ABU] 22-feb-2012 - You can download a small binary package ( collecting binary libraries for 3 platforms (Win/Linux/Mac). At runtime, the right binary library will be used. Package is numbered since it's a small evolution of the (unofficial) 0.6.1. Note that a little BUG has been fixed ("Ffidlrt.tcl does not work if installed in a path name with whitespaces"). Ffidl is available here [http://irrational-numbers.googlecode.com/files/ffidl-] ---- [LV] Someone should contact the author to discuss version 0.6 with him. [DAS] I have done so at the time I made 0.6 available, Roger responded that he would look at and integrate the changes eventually. [kostix] 21-Jan-2007: I've found 0.6 available on its official site. Probably [DAS] should further edit this page since his changes are now in the trunk. ---- [Roger E Critchlow] [mailto:rec@elf.org] has made an experimental release of ''ffidl'', an experimental package that allows you to call C functions using pure Tcl wrappers. You specify a function name, a library, a list of argument types, and a return type, and Ffidl takes care of the nasty details of converting a Tcl command call into a C function call for you. So, if you have a shared library and a specification of the entries in the library, you can wrap the library into a Tcl extension with Ffidl and pure Tcl. (The quotation is from the ''ffidl'' manual at [http://elf.org/ffidl/].) ''Ffidl'' supports calls in both directions between C/C++ and Tcl, and operates on a variety of platforms. The name, by the way, appears to stand for "Foreign Function Interface with Dynamic Loading." [DLR] Including ffidl in the core would be a huge boost to Tcl, and specially, Tcllib, as many modules could be written in pure Tcl. Part of the success of [Mono]/[.NET] is its [P/Invoke] feature which allows it to effortlessly wrap native libraries. The Mono implementation uses (or at least used to do) ffidl at its core. ---- [Rolf Schroedter] gave a example on c.l.t on the use of ffidl To give you an impression about the use of ffidl, look at the following C and TCL-declarations: --- file foo.h: --- int foo_init( int adr, int log ); int foo_done( void ); int foo_info( FOO_INFO *infoPtr ); /* FOO_INFO is a structure */ int foo_open( const char *port ); --- file foo.tcl: --- load ffidl05.dll set DLL foo.dll ffidl::callout foo_init {int int} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_init] ffidl::callout foo_done {} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_done] ffidl::callout foo_info {pointer-var} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_info] ffidl::callout foo_open {pointer-utf8} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL foo_open] ---- [[Explain [Rolf Schroedter]'s [screensaver] example in http://groups.google.com/groups?th=ec295f4a4849b362 .]] ====== #Rolf Schroedter #German Aerospace Center #Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration load ffidl05.dll ffidl::callout dll_FindWindow {pointer-utf8 pointer-utf8} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll FindWindowA] ffidl::callout dll_FindWindowTitle {int pointer-utf8} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll FindWindowA] ffidl::callout dll_FindWindowClass {pointer-utf8 int} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll FindWindowA] ffidl::callout dll_SetWindowPos {int int int int int int int} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll SetWindowPos] ffidl::callout dll_SystemParametersInfo {int int pointer int} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll SystemParametersInfoA] proc FindWindow { class title } { if { [string length $class] == 0 } { dll_FindWindowTitle 0 $title } elseif { [string length $title] == 0 } { dll_FindWindowClass $class 0 } else { dll_FindWindow $class $title } } proc SetWindowPos { hwnd after x y cx cy {flags 0} } { array set VAL {TOP 0 BOTTOM 1 TOPMOST -1 NOTOPMOST -2} set iAfter $VAL([string toupper $after]) dll_SetWindowPos $hwnd $iAfter $x $y $cx $cy $flags } proc SetupScreenSaver { bool } { dll_SystemParametersInfo 97 $bool 0 0 ;# SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING=97 } proc exit? {} { set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Really quit?" -type yesno -icon question] switch -- $answer { yes { SetupScreenSaver 0 exit } no {} } } proc ScreenSaver {win} { set size(X) [winfo screenwidth .] set size(Y) [winfo screenheight .] toplevel $win wm title $win "TclScreenSaver" ;# to find the window wm overrideredirect $win true $win configure -relief flat -bd 0 $win configure -cursor hand2 ;# Ohne cursor ??? update idletasks ;# virtually display $win, allows window to be found set hwnd [FindWindow "" "TclScreenSaver"] set res1 [SetWindowPos $hwnd TOPMOST 0 0 $size(X) $size(Y)] ;# ever makes full screen set res2 [SetupScreenSaver 1] canvas $win.c -background yellow -width $size(X) -height $size(Y) -relief flat -bd 0 pack $win.c -expand yes -fill both focus -force $win bind $win exit? bind $win {} } wm withdraw . ScreenSaver .scr ====== ---- Per: [Rob Hegt] post on c.l.t '''Subject: solution for regaining focus from OpTcl hosted ActiveX control''' ====== load lib/ffidl05.dll ffidl::callout dll_SetFocus {int} int [ffidl::symbol user32.dll SetFocus] proc GrabFocus {args} {dll_SetFocus [winfo id .]} ====== Then just bind GrabFocus to some event. In the post he uses