Version 4 of Fibonacci coding

Updated 2004-09-05 12:11:56

MS While rereading Data Compression [L1 ], I stumbled on Fibonacci universal codes (see Section 3.3 [L2 ]).


 % fiboEncodeList {1 2 3 9 8 7}
 % fiboDecodeStr 11011001110001100001101011
 1 2 3 9 8 7

The code:

 # A memoizing generator for the Fibonacci numbers.  

 variable fiboList [list 1 1]
 proc fibo n {
     variable fiboList
     set len [llength $fiboList]
     if {$len > $n} {
         return [lindex $fiboList $n]
     set res [expr {[fibo [expr {$n-2}]] + [fibo [expr {$n-1}]]}]
     lappend fiboList $res
     return $res

 # Computing the Fibonacci encoding of a number - see 
 # (memoizing)
 # Slight changes with respect to the reference in order 
 # to improve performance:
 #   - the final 11 is replaced by an final 1, so that
 #     split and join are easier to use to encode/decode
 #     streams.

 variable fiboEncs
 proc fiboEncodeNum n {
     if {$n < 1} {
         error "fiboEncode works on positive numbers"
     variable fiboEncs
     if {[info exists fiboEncs($n)]} {
         return $fiboEncs($n)
     upvar 0 fiboEncs($n) res
     set res {}

     # Find the first fibonacci number $f > $n
     set f 1
     for {set k 1} {$f <= $n} {} {
         set f [fibo [incr k]]

     while {[incr k -1]} {
         set f [fibo $k]
         if {$f <= $n} {
             set res 1$res
             incr n -$f
         } else {
             set res 0$res
     return $res

 proc fiboDecodeNum str {
     set coeffs [split $str {}]
     if {[lindex $coeffs end] != 1} {
         error "Number badly encoded"
     set n 0
     set k 0
     foreach c $coeffs {
         incr k
         if {$c} {
             incr n [fibo $k]
     set n

 proc fiboEncodeList lst {
     set res {}
     foreach num $lst {
         append res [fiboEncodeNum $num] 1
     return $res

 proc fiboDecodeString str {
     set str [string map {11 "1 "} $str]

     # Strip ending 0s (padding)
     if {[string match 0* [lindex $str end]]} {
         set str [lrange $str 0 end-1]

     set res [list]
     foreach s $str {
         lappend res [fiboDecodeNum $s]
     return $res