[TR] - This is a file selection dialog for Tile as a replacement for [tk_getOpenFile], [tk_getSaveFile], [tk_chooseDirectory] and even more! It was coded by [Schelte Bron]. '''Commands''' ttk::getOpenFile ttk::getSaveFile ttk::chooseDirectory ttk::messageBox ttk::getAppendFile <- explain this one [sbron] I added the getAppendFile version of the dialog because I needed a dialog to allow the user to select a log file. It was fine if the selected file did or did not exist. The other dialogs would either give confusing warnings or not allow both options at all. ---- '''Example (using xfce4 on Linux)''' package require tile source fsdialog.tcl tile::setTheme clam ttk::getOpenFile [http://tcl.typoscriptics.de/misc/fsdialog.gif] ---- Get the file here and just source it into your own script: http://www.tclcode.com/fsdialog/fsdialog.tcl