Version 2 of Form widget

Updated 2006-02-01 13:54:55

HTML forms are ugly by design. so to make life easy for all you TCLers:

        tk::form -name LOGIN -callback Docmgr::Login::callback -guts {
            export page=$::page

            text first_name= size=20
            submit_button action=DOIT

and your login callback will look like this:

         Docmgr::Login::callback {} {
              h1 $::first_name

RS: Note that even though the first example uses the ::tk namespace, it is not part of Tk. To avoid confusion, different things should have different names.

I think the above is for mel's internet toolkit, is it not? That's a third party, not-for-commercial-use apache plug-in or addon or library or something.