With the transition of the Tcl/Tk Source Repositories from [CVS] over to [Fossil] it becomes necessary to learn a new set of commands. This page was made to help with that, by showing equivalent CVS and Fossil commands. %|Action | CVS|Fossil|% &|Add a file | touch FOO <
> cvs add FOO| touch FOO <
> fossil add FOO|& &|Remove a file| rm FOO <
> cvs remove FOO| rm FOO <
> fossil rm FOO|& &|Rename a file| mv FOO BAR <
> cvs remove FOO <
> cvs add BAR| mv FOO BAR <
> fossil mv FOO BAR|& &|Show files made and not added| | fossil extra |& &|Show modified files (incl. deleted) | | fossil changes |& &|Commit changes | cvs commit | fossil commit|& &|Update local working copy|cvs up -Pd|fossil pull <
> fossil update|& &|Dry run, make no changes|cvs -tn||& &|Compare versions|cvs diff|fossil diff (or gdiff) <
>Note the relevant "fossil settings"|& &|Tool version|cvs --version|fossil version|& '''General Note:''' Fossil has a builtin help system. Invoke it via ====== fossil help ====== For help on specific commands use ====== fossil help ====== <> Dev. Tools