**FreeDB Access** Ben Warre - I just wanted to share the following code, which bodges up a quick FreeDB access for reading CD tracklistings. It's not pretty, but it works. It uses the windows aplication diskid.exe which reads the CDID from the disc in the drive http://discid.sourceforge.net/%|%DiscID%|% ====== package require http set alldata {} set cds {} set tracks {} set cats {blues classical country data folk jazz newage reggae rock soundtrack misc} proc query {} { global cds tracks cats alldata set cds "" set tracks "" set r [catch {set ret [exec discid cdaudio]}] if {$r!=0} { tk_messageBox -message "No CD in drive or other error" return } set did [lindex $ret 0] set cdtemp "" foreach c $cats { set token [::http::geturl "http://freedb.freedb.org/~cddb/cddb.cgi?cmd=cddb+read+$c+$did&hello=name+host.com+W4CDTL+1.0&proto=1"] upvar #0 $token state set data $state(body) if {$data==""} {tk_messageBox -message "Try again - no data"; return} # 210 is code for found CD if {[lindex $data 0]==210} { lappend cdtemp $state(body) } } if {[llength $cdtemp]==0} {set cds "No Matches Found";return} set newcds "" foreach cd $cdtemp { set cd [split $cd "\n"] set lines [list] foreach l $cd { set r [split $l ""] set first [lindex $r 0] if {$first == "D" || $first == "T"} { set l [lindex [split $l "="] 1] lappend lines $l } } lappend newcds $lines lappend cds "[lindex $lines 0] - [lindex $lines 1]" } set alldata $newcds update } set last 0 proc cdselected {} { global cds tracks alldata last set tracks "" set w [.cds curselection] set last $w set trtemp [lrange [lindex $alldata $w] 2 end] set num 1 foreach tr $trtemp { lappend tracks "$num - $tr" incr num } } proc url x { #set x [regsub -all -nocase {htm} $x {ht%6D}] exec rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler $x & } proc print {} { global alldata tracks last set tracks "" set l [lindex $alldata $last] set trtemp [lrange [lindex $alldata $last] 2 end] set num 1 foreach tr $trtemp { lappend tracks "$num - $tr" incr num } # Add formatting here... set output "

[lindex $l 1]

\n" foreach t $tracks { append output "\n" } append output "
" set fh [open w4trtemp.html w] puts $fh $output close $fh url w4trtemp.html } listbox .cds -width 50 -height 6 -listvariable cds listbox .tracks -width 50 -height 24 -listvariable tracks button .query -text "Query FreeDB" -command query button .print -text "Export and Print" -command print pack .cds .tracks .query .print -fill both -expand 1 bind .cds <> "cdselected" ====== It foreachs through the available categories on freeDB using the ID provided from discID, then allows the user to choose the one they need. ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!