Version 17 of FriGUI

Updated 2011-07-11 22:41:08 by AMG

What: FriGUI

 Description: Cross-platform GUI-Builder for C++. Tcl/Tk/C++ based.
        Works on Linux and other Unix varieties.  Also partially works on
        Windows (98/NT/2000).
        Free for use by educational and private individuals, with commercial
        licenses for companies.
        Currently at version 1.0.10.
 Updated: 11/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Bernd Fritzke)

Dead link as of 7/feb/03

Still dead 28/Feb/2004 -- Maybe time to remove this, then. (SB)

Or maybe it is just time for someone who speaks the language to email the site and ask where the software can be found - the primary host is running.

AMG, 11 Jul 2011: No it's not. The domain's gone.

You can safely remove this entry since the software is not maintained anymore and also not available anymore. Bernd Fritzke (Sept. 2004, email fritzke at

SEH 9/17/04 -- how about throwing the code up on sourceforge and letting the rest of us mess with it?

See also GUI Building Tools.