What: FriGUI Where: http://www.frisoft.com/download/ Description: Cross-platform GUI-Builder for C++. Tcl/Tk/C++ based. Works on Linux and other Unix varieties. Also partially works on Windows (98/NT/2000). Free for use by educational and private individuals, with commercial licenses for companies. Currently at version 1.0.10. Updated: 11/2000 Contact: mailto:fritzke@inf.tu-dresden.de (Bernd Fritzke) Dead link as of 7/feb/03 Still dead 28/Feb/2004 -- Maybe time to remove this, then. ([SB]) Or maybe it is just time for someone who speaks the language to email the frisoft.com site and ask where the software can be found - the primary host is running. ---- See also [GUI Building Tools]. ---- [Category Application]