GIN was inspired by tequila from jcfontain but i wanted a distributed system with no dedicated server and faster performance. Any function, in my case actors and sensors, running as separate processes, attached with gin can die, be removed, restarted and moved from one host to another without disruption ( aside from loosing some data ). gin uses udp packets from either * Tnm by Juergen Schoenwaelder this is currently broken as Tnm Udp Stuff seems to have been turned inside out. or * TclUDP from Pat Thoyts Multicast Adresses are used for sending to multiple addresses. In my application sensors of any kind send their data on a multicast channel. Ackknowledges of commands ( to any actor ) are repeated on a multicast channel. Unicast Adresses for sending to a single instance actor. in my application actors of any kind get their data from a unicast channel. These files work for me ( i think ), but it may mutilate your hamster YMMV You will need * [TclUDP] from Pat Thoyts, after some changes to udp from scotty/tnm i have not updated gin * util4gin.tcl #!/bin/tclsh # $Id: 13357,v 1.4 2006-01-12 07:01:24 jcw Exp $ # file: util4gin.tcl # cprt: C2002 Uwe Klein Habertwedt # lic: # what: simple async remote execution ala send to multiple clients # what: using udp multicast ( from Scotty/Tnm ) # what: this has been tested on linux only # what: provide external functionality # either udp from tclUDP or from Tnm is used: # multicast functionality needs at least 3.0 ( IMHO ) if {![ catch { package require udp } cerr ]} { puts stderr "tclUDP $cerr found" } elseif {![ catch { package require Tnm 3.0 } cerr ]} { puts stderr "Tnm $cerr found" } else { puts stderr "no udp found : cerr:\"$cerr\"" puts [ package names ] } if {[ catch { namespace children Tnm } ]} { puts notthere } else { puts import catch { namespace import ::Tnm::* } } # lvarpop / lvarpush from Tclx is used: if {[ catch {package require Tclx } cerr ]} { proc lvarpop lvar { set ret [ uplevel lindex \$$lvar 0 ] uplevel set $lvar \[ lrange \$$lvar 1 end \] return $ret } } package provide util4gin 1.0 return foreach cmd [ list udp lvarpop ] { if {[ info commands $cmd ] != $cmd } { puts stderr " \"$cmd\" not found" error "cmd $cmd not found" } } # OK: * gin.tcl #!/bin/tclsh # $Id: 13357,v 1.4 2006-01-12 07:01:24 jcw Exp $ # simple async remote execution ala send to multiple clients # using udp multicast ( from tclUDP or Scotty/Tnm ) # this has been tested on linux only # provide for udp and lvarpop: package require util4gin # source util4gin.tcl # find at end: package provide gin $version namespace eval gin { set rcsid { $Id: 13357,v 1.4 2006-01-12 07:01:24 jcw Exp $ } set version [ split [ lindex $rcsid 2 ] . ] variable ver [ join [ lrange $version 0 1 ] . ] variable gin [ namespace current ] variable defaults { interface 0 port 0 listen info } variable config variable aliases variable aliaslist { info data cmd log } variable listen variable listenlist info variable send_hdl variable send_dest proc init {args} { variable defaults variable config variable listen variable listenlist variable aliases variable aliaslist variable send_hdl variable send_dest namespace export init listen unlisten \ send trace untrace \ updt foreach {arg val} $defaults { set config($arg) $val } foreach {arg val} $args { set arg [ string trimleft $arg - ] set config($arg) $val } foreach {al hp} $aliaslist { alias $al $hp } foreach {hp} $listenlist { listen $hp } set send_hdl [ udp_open $config(port) ] set send_dest {} fconfigure $send_hdl -buffering none -translation binary set shost $config(interface) set sport [ udp_conf $send_hdl -myport ] # set up proper if # puts "alias self $shost:$sport" alias self $shost:$sport } proc alias {args} { variable aliases foreach {al hp} $args { set aliases(forw,$al) $hp set aliases(rev,$hp) $al } } proc handle_dgram {host_port} { # puts stderr hit variable listen variable aliases set handle $listen($host_port) set msg [ read $handle ] foreach {host port} [ udp_conf $handle -peer ] break if {[ catch { set ns $aliases(rev,${host}:$port)} ]} { # puts aliasnotfound:$host:$port set ns ${host}::$port } #D0# puts stderr "gin::recv \"$ns\" $msg" if {$listen($host_port,enable)} { if {[catch {namespace eval $ns $msg} cerr]} { puts stderr $cerr } } } proc send {args} { variable aliases variable send_hdl variable send_dest set dest [ lvarpop args ] catch { set dest $aliases(forw,$dest) } if { $dest != $send_dest } { foreach {host port} [ split $dest : ] break udp_conf $send_hdl $host $port set send_dest $dest } puts -nonewline $send_hdl $args #D0# puts stderr gin::send:[ list $args ] } proc listen {host_port args} { variable gin variable listen variable aliases if {[ array names listen $host_port ] == $host_port } { return } set src $host_port catch { set src $aliases(forw,$src) } # puts listen:$host_port:$src foreach {host port} [ split $src : ] break set listen($host_port) [ udp_open -mcastadd $host $port ] set listen($host_port,enable) 1 fconfigure $listen($host_port) \ -buffering none -translation binary # puts hp:$host:$port fileevent $listen($host_port) \ readable [ list ${gin}::handle_dgram $host_port ] } proc unlisten {host_port} { variable listen # puts unlisten:[ array names listen $host_port ] if {[ array names listen $host_port ] == {} } { return } close $listen($host_port) unset listen($host_port) } proc mask {host_port} { if {[ catch { set ns $aliases(rev,$host_port)} ]} { set ns $host_port } #D0# puts stderr gin::mask:$host_port:$ns namespace eval $ns { proc set args { } proc array args { } } } proc unmask {host_port} { if {[ catch { set ns $aliases(rev,$host_port)} ]} { set ns $host_port } #D0# puts stderr gin::unmask:$host_port:$ns namespace eval $ns { rename set {} rename array {} } } proc tracevar {name svar dvar elems _var elem op} { if { $elem == {} } { upvar $_var var gin::send $name set $dvar $var } else { upvar ${_var}($elem) var gin::send $name set ${dvar}($elem) $var } } proc trace {name var args } { set svar [ lindex $var 0] set dvar [ lindex $var end] if {[ array exist $svar ]} { if { $args == "" } { set args * } ::trace variable $svar w [ list ::gin::tracevar $name $svar $dvar $args ] } else { ::trace variable $svar w [ list ::gin::tracevar $name $svar $dvar ] } } proc untrace {name var} { set svar [ lindex $var 0] set dvar [ lindex $var end] ::trace vdelete $svar w [ list ::gin::tracevar $name $svar $dvar ] } proc updt {name arr {elems {}} } { set src [ lindex $arr 0] set dest [ lindex $arr end] if { $elems == {} } { gin::send $name array set $dest [ \ array get $src \ ] } else { gin::send $name array set $dest [ \ array get $src $elems \ ] } } puts stderr ver:$ver package provide gin $ver } #end * pgkIndex.tcl # Tcl package index file, version 1.1 # This file is generated by the "pkg_mkIndex -lazy" command # and sourced either when an application starts up or # by a "package unknown" script. It invokes the # "package ifneeded" command to set up package-related # information so that packages will be loaded automatically # in response to "package require" commands. When this # script is sourced, the variable $dir must contain the # full path name of this file's directory. package ifneeded gin 1.1 [list source [file join $dir gin.tcl]] package ifneeded util4gin 1.0 [list source [file join $dir util4gin.tcl]] * using GIN package require gin gin::init if $src { set count 0 while 1 { incr count gin::send info puts hallo nr$count after 1000 } } * injecting scripts with bash echo "puts hallo from $USR" >/dev/udp/ * sending and receiving from C notyet