Version 0 of GSoC 2010 Executed Projects

Updated 2010-04-30 17:33:32 by AK
Student Project Title Mentor Status
Michael Aram SCORM Compliant Run-Time Environment for OpenACS Gustaf Neumann
Andrew Shadoura OpenStreetMap package and editor in Tcl/Tk Matthew Burke
Ewa Leszczynska Themed Tk on Unix Jeff Hobbs
Ozgur Dogan Ugurlu Tcl state machine back-end module for XMLVM Kevin Kenny
Eduardo Santos OpenACS Abstraction Layer Colin McCormack
Guilherme Goncalves Base JIT compiler for Tcl Donal Fellows
Paraskevi Nikolaidou MSNP2P refactoring for aMSN Youness Alaoui

The general download area for GSoC/Tcl 2010 is not known at this time, but will likely be

Please nag^Wtalk to the Mentor for anything not found there.