'''GarTcl''' What: GarTcl Where: http://phpsource.net/gartcl/ Description: GarTcl is not a binary distribution. Just a really neat and simple way to download, compile, and install several extensions. I really only created it because I kept running into machines that didn't have the Tcl extensions available that I wanted. Or maybe the version of Tcl they came with was too old. Anyway, GarTcl is a really nice way for me to get the Tcl environment I want without any hassle. GarTcl 0.7 includes: Package Version ---------------------------------------------- Tcl/Tk 8.4.3 tcllib 1.3 [incr Tcl]/[incr tk] 3.2.1 [incr Widgets] 4.0.1 BWidgets 1.4.1 Expect 5.38 Tkcon 2.4 Tktable 2.7 Oratcl 4.1 tDOM 0.7.8 tclreadline 2.1.0 tls 1.4.1 snack 2.2 tablelist 3.0 Updated: 07/10/2003 (Version 0.7 released. Update to Tcl/Tk 8.4.3, Oratcl 4.1, and tDOM 0.7.8) Contact: mailto:jeremy.collins@phpsource.net ---- [[ [Jeremy Collins] | [tcl] | [tk] | [tcllib] | [incr tcl] | [incr tk] | [incr widgets] | [bwidgets] | [expect] | [tktable] | [oratcl] | [tdom] | [tclreadline] | [tls] | [snack] | [tablelist] | [tkcon] | | [Batteries Included] | [Category Distribution] ]]