The following reference [] provides simple data files that can be imported into a Tk canvas (code to follow later). Download the world.bln file in the section Mapping -> Mapping - XY->BLN - Blanking/boundary . Each length of border line is labelled with its country, though I am not sure if the common border between (say) Belgium and France is labelled as Belgium, France or is in the europe.bln file twice. The source of data is UNESCO; accuracy may not be ideal (it omits the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England, which is larger than some of the other islands included). ---- [RS] always loves maps (see [Tclworld] :^) Here's my take at a little viewer to render one or more such bln files. In fact, the data are polygons, so one can just render them as such... [] You can zoom in or out with + and -, see the name of a polygon by clicking on it (the number probably just says how many coordinates there are), and pan the canvas by dragging with left mouse button pressed: package require Tk proc main argv { foreach a $argv {bln_load $a data} pack [canvas .c -bg lightblue] -fill both -expand 1 foreach item [array names data] { .c create polygon $data($item) -tag [list tx $item] -fill [randomcolor] \ -outline black } bind . + {canvas'scale .c 1.25} bind . - {canvas'scale .c 0.8} canvas'scale .c 8 bind .c {%W scan mark %x %y} bind .c {%W scan dragto %x %y 1} .c bind tx <1> {display %W %x %y} } proc bln_load {filename _arr} { upvar 1 $_arr arr set contour {} set recordname "" set f [open $filename] while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { set fields [split $line ,] switch [llength $fields] { 4 { if [llength $contour] {set arr($recordname) $contour} set cnt([lindex $fields 2]) "" set recordname [string trim [lindex $fields 2] \"],[lindex $fields 0] set contour {} } 2 {lappend contour [lindex $fields 0] [expr {-[lindex $fields 1]}]} } } } proc canvas'scale {w factor} { $w scale all 0 0 $factor $factor $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all] } proc display {w x y} { $w delete txt set tags [lindex [$w gettags current] 1] $w create text [$w canvasx $x] [$w canvasy $y] -text $tags -tag txt } proc randomcolor {} { set cols {yellow beige orange green pink gray} lindex $cols [expr {int(rand()*[llength $cols])}] } main $argv ----- [GWM] In order to improve this I found some useful census data from the US census bureau. If you request and save a table from [] it can be loaded into the maps above to provide a less random colour scheme for the countries. I have also fixed a small bug in that some countries have more than one border - the above throws older borders away when a new border is found. [] # world census data in the form of tables can be obtained from #, # Use the option "Present all stub information on each data line" to produce the format used here. # copy entire page and paste into any text editor (notepad...) # In this format, a typical file looks like this: if 0 { "Table 008. Vital Rates" "-----------------------------------","-------","----------","----------","----------------","---------------","-----------" " "," "," Births"," Deaths"," Net number of","Rate of natural"," " " "," "," per 1,000"," per 1,000"," migrants per"," increase","Growth rate" "Country or area ","Year ","population","population","1,000 population"," (percent)"," (percent)" "-----------------------------------","-------","----------","----------","----------------","---------------","-----------" "" "Afghanistan ",2007 , 46.21, 19.96, 0.00, 2.625, 2.625 "Albania ",2007 , 15.16, 5.33, -4.54, 0.983, 0.529 "Algeria ",2007 , 17.11, 4.62, -0.33, 1.249, 1.216 "American Samoa ",2007 , 21.83, 3.24, -21.21, 1.859, -0.262 "Andorra ",2007 , 8.45, 6.45, 6.42, 0.200, 0.842 } package require Tk global scale set scale 8 proc main argv { foreach a $argv {bln_load $a data} set make 0 if {![winfo exists .c]} { pack [canvas .c -bg lightblue] -fill both -expand 1 set make 1 } foreach item [array names data] { foreach curv $data($item) { set ip [.c create polygon $curv -tag [list tx $item] -fill [randomcolor] \ -outline black] .c scale $ip 0 0 $::scale $::scale } } if {$make} { bind . + {canvas'scale .c 1.25} bind . - {canvas'scale .c 0.8} bind .c {%W scan mark %x %y} bind .c {%W scan dragto %x %y 1} .c bind tx <1> {display %W %x %y} } } proc bln_load {filename _arr} { upvar 1 $_arr arr set contour {} set recordname "" set f [open $filename] while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { set fields [split $line ,] switch [llength $fields] { 4 { if [llength $contour] { ;# multiple contours exist for some countries so make list of contours lappend arr($recordname) $contour} set cnt([lindex $fields 2]) "" set recordname [string trim [lindex $fields 2] \"] set contour {} } 2 {lappend contour [lindex $fields 0] [expr {-[lindex $fields 1]}]} } } close $f } proc canvas'scale {w factor} { $w scale all 0 0 $factor $factor $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all] set ::scale [expr {$::scale*$factor}] ;# used for new maps to be loaded. } proc display {w x y} { $w delete txt set tags [lindex [$w gettags current] 1] $w create text [$w canvasx $x] [$w canvasy $y] -text $tags -tag txt } proc randomcolor {} { set cols {yellow beige orange green pink gray} lindex $cols [expr {int(rand()*[llength $cols])}] } # GWM's interface items proc addmap {} { update ;# this needs to be called before openfile to ensure that binds work # particularly +/_ for zooming set mapfile [ tk_getOpenFile -multiple true] main $mapfile } proc divideatstring {line split} { set fields {} set ok 1 while {$ok} { set endoffield -1 set sp -1 while {$endoffield<0 && $sp<[llength $split]} { incr sp set endoffield [string first [lindex $split $sp] $line] } if {$endoffield>=0} { lappend fields [string trim [string range $line 0 [expr {$endoffield-1}]] " -\""] set start [expr {$endoffield+[string length [lindex $split $sp]]}] set line [string range $line $start end] } else { set ok 0; lappend fields [string trim $line " -\""] } } return $fields } proc loadcensus {filename} { if {$filename != ""} { set f [open $filename] set section 1 ;# 1 title, headers # country, values gets $f line ;# jump title while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { set fields [divideatstring $line {"\",\"" "\"," ","}] switch [llength $fields] { 1 { ;# demarks title/data incr section } default { ;# table country name, one value per column switch $section { 1 { ;# get title labels set ic 0 foreach column $fields { append arr(Column_$ic) " " $column incr ic } } default { set arr([lindex $fields 0]) [lrange $fields 1 end] } } } } } close $f # create an interface to select the map colours: catch { destroy } catch { destroy } set optmenu [menubutton -menu -text "Choose display"] set opmen [menu $optmenu.opts] foreach col [array names arr Column_*] { $opmen add command -label $arr($col) -command \ "recolormap {[array get arr]} \"$arr($col)\"" } pack $optmenu -side left -expand f -fill y } } proc makecolour {frac} { if {$frac<0.5} { ;# range blue to green set col [format "#%02x%02x%02x" 0 [expr {int(127+255*$frac)}] [expr {int(127+255*(.5-$frac))}] ] } else { ;# green to red set col [format "#%02x%02x%02x" [expr {int(127+255*($frac-0.5))}] [expr {int(127+255*(1-$frac))}] 0 ] } return $col } proc recolormap {_arr coltitle} { array set arr $_arr set icol 0 set thec 0 # find the column of data to use foreach col [array names arr Column_*] { if {$arr($col)==$coltitle} { set thec $icol } incr icol } incr thec -1 if {$thec>=0} { set vmin 1.e30 set vmax -1.e30 foreach tag [.c find withtag tx] { ;# all countries in map set cname [lindex [.c gettags $tag] 1] if {[array names arr $cname]!=""} { set v [lindex [split $arr($cname)] $thec] if {[string is double -strict $v]} { set vmin [expr {$v<$vmin?$v:$vmin}] set vmax [expr {$v>$vmax?$v:$vmax}] } } } configure -text "$coltitle: data range $vmin to $vmax" if {($vmax-$vmin)>0} { foreach tag [.c find withtag tx] { set cname [lindex [.c gettags $tag] 1] if {[array names arr $cname]!=""} { set v [lindex [split $arr($cname)] $thec] if {[string is double -strict $v]} { .c itemconfigure $tag -fill [makecolour [expr {double($v-$vmin)/double($vmax-$vmin)}]] } } else { .c itemconfigure $tag -fill #dddddd } } } } } proc addcensus {} { set censusfile [ tk_getOpenFile ] loadcensus $censusfile } pack [button .addmap -text "Load Map" -command "addmap"] -side top -expand f -fill y pack [frame .color] -side top -expand f -fill y pack [button .color.addcen -text "Load Census" -command "addcensus"] -side left -expand f -fill y # prompt for a bln map file. addmap ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Geography]