[WJG] (18/10/18) A Linux distro will contain a wide range of icons installed not only by default, but also applications which may have been installed. This simple Gnocl script shows how to display the various categories in a tabbed notebook. Anyone familiar with Gnocl will notice that in this script widgets are accessed via their names rather than registred widget-ids. This removes the need for global variables or accessing widgets in the global namespace. It does mean, that unique names have to be defined. ====== #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl proc stock {lst } { set stockItems [lsort [gnocl::info allStockItems] ] foreach item $stockItems { # trap non-existing icons if { [catch { $lst add [list [list %#$item $item ]] }] } { $lst cellConfigure end 1 -value $item -visible 1 } } } proc main {} { gnocl::vBox -name container gnocl::statusBar -name status gnocl::notebook -name nb -tabPosition left -tabAlign left [container] add [nb] -fill 1 -expand 1 [container] add [status] gnocl::window -child [container] -title "Icon Catalogue" -width 300 -height 650 -name win -visible 0 win centre win configure -visible 1 [status] push "Searching for installed icons..." gnocl::update set i 0 foreach context [lsort [gnocl::iconTheme contexts]] { [status] push "Searching $context" gnocl::update gnocl::list -name lst($i) \ -titles {"Icon" "Description"} \ -types {image string} \ -onSelectionChanged { [status] push "Showing \"[%w get [%w getSelection] 1 ]\"" preview-icon [%w get [%w getSelection] 1 ] } nb addPage [lst($i)] $context if { $context == "Stock" } { stock [lst($i)] ; continue } foreach item [gnocl::iconTheme icons -context $context] { if { [catch { [lst($i)] add [list [list %&$item $item ]] }] } { [lst($i)] cellConfigure end 1 -value $item -visible 1 } } incr i } [status] push "Click icon to display." gnocl::window -title "Icon Preview" -child [gnocl::image -name preview -image %&emblem-web -scale 2] -setSize 0.125 } proc preview-icon {item} { set pb [gnocl::pixBuf load -icon $item -size 200] preview configure -image %?$pb } main ======