[WJG] (15/12/09) After re-examining the post earlier today on providing a means of packging widgets together with the convenience that a tree-like structure I came up with this alterantive -a pure Tcl scripted gnocl megawidget. ====== #--------------- # widgetTree.tcl #--------------- # Created by William J Giddings # 15-Dec-2009 #--------------- # Description: #--------------- #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl #--------------- # Overload the gnocl widget. # http://wiki.tcl.tk/1146 #--------------- proc gnocl::widgetTree { args } { eval "set w [gnocl::box -orientation vertical]" rename $w ${w}_ interp alias {} $w {} gnocl::widgetTreeCmd $w return $w } # implement the new widget proc gnocl::widgetTreeCmd {self cmd args} { switch -- $cmd { add { # check to see if the array containing the gnocl path names # of the nodes is present, if not, create it. if { [array exists ${self}_nodes] } { set i [array size ${self}_nodes] incr i } else { set i 1 } # add a new node to the tree, ie expander and container set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical] set node [gnocl::expander -label $args -child $box] # this will actually add the node to the tree container ${self}_ add $node # add node pathaname to internal list set ${self}_nodes($i) $node return $i } addItem { # Add item to node # get the node index and gnocl path name of child widget(s) # NB: more complex layouts should be places in their own # containter, the path of with is passed to this proc foreach {node child} $args {} # get the actubox inside the expander set box [ [set ${self}_nodes($node)] cget -child ] $box add $child } default {return [uplevel 1 "${self}_ $cmd" $args]} } } #--------------- # DEMO BLOCK set wt1 [gnocl::widgetTree] # use arrray to contain indices of new tree notes set t(cars) [$wt1 add CARS ] set t(planes) [$wt1 add PLANES ] set t(shipping) [$wt1 add SHIPPING ] # add a few items to the $wt1 addItem $t(cars) [gnocl::button -text Lagonda] $wt1 addItem $t(planes) [gnocl::button -text DeHaviland] $wt1 addItem $t(shipping) [gnocl::button -text P&O] $wt1 addItem $t(shipping) [gnocl::button -text Cunard] # add items to node set wt2 [gnocl::widgetTree] # use arrray to contain indices of new tree notes set t(dogs) [$wt2 add DOGS ] set t(cats) [$wt2 add CATS ] set t(birds) [$wt2 add BIRDS ] # add a few items to the $wt2 addItem $t(dogs) [gnocl::button -text Spaniel] $wt2 addItem $t(cats) [gnocl::button -text Siamese] $wt2 addItem $t(birds) [gnocl::button -text Parrot] $wt2 addItem $t(birds) [gnocl::button -text Cockatoo] # add items to node $wt1 addItem $t(shipping) $wt2 # add more and more stuff.. set wt3 [gnocl::widgetTree] set t(breeds) [$wt3 add BREEDS ] $wt3 addItem $t(breeds) [gnocl::button -text "King Charles'"] $wt3 addItem $t(breeds) [gnocl::button -text "Cocker"] # add items to list $wt2 addItem $t(dogs) $wt3 # pack the widget into a scrolled window and display gnocl::window -child [gnocl::scrolledWindow -child $wt1] -width 150 -height 300 gnocl::mainLoop ====== [http://lh5.ggpht.com/_yaFgKvuZ36o/Syf9WlFjg-I/AAAAAAAAALY/30TksEEstTI/s800/Screenshot-widgetTree_2.tcl.png] <>Enter Category Here