[JH]: [ActiveState]'s [Komodo] IDE has a [GUI Builder] built in for building Tk GUIs. It is itself written in Tcl/Tk (based off SpecTcl, although most of that code went out with the trash folder long ago ...). Previously [Komodo] has shipped on Windows, Linux and Solaris. We are currently porting it to OS X, GUI Builder included. This page shows a before and after, with some comments. ---- '''GUI Builder Before''' This used all the classic Tk controls, with some megawidgets from [BWidgets] and some custom-rolled stuff. For all intents and purposes, this worked fine on Windows and unix variants. It isn't so happy for Aqua, as you can see ... [http://www.tcl.tk/community/hobbs/guib-osx-before.png] ---- '''GUI Builder After''' OK, this isn't "complete", but works for alpha look and feel satisfaction. [http://www.tcl.tk/community/hobbs/guib-osx-after.png] ---- '''Comments''' OK, I should comment on the many changes I had to make. First off though, the ...