A Quick and dirty Google Chart wrapper. if 0 { Google Chart API [http://code.google.com/apis/chart] Tcl wrapper. [Scott Beasley] 2008-10-22 } ###################################################### # Simple package to generate Google charts from tcl. # # License: Do as you wish. No Warranty given. # # Scott Beasley 10-21-2008 ###################################################### package provide googlecharts package require autoproxy namespace eval GoogleChart { # See http://code.google.com/apis/chart/ for info # on the Google chart api. proc GChart {chart_hnd type {wid 250} {hgt 200}} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(type) $type set chart_array(width) $wid set chart_array(height) $hgt set chart_array(low) 0 set chart_array(high) 0 } proc GChartSize {chart_hnd wid hgt} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(width) $wid set chart_array(height) $hgt } proc GChartRange {chart_hnd low high} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(low) $low set chart_array(high) $high } proc GChartType {chart_hnd type} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(type) $type } proc GChartTitle {chart_hnd title {color "0000ff"} {size 12}} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array regsub -all " " $title {+} title set chart_array(title) $title set chart_array(titlecolor) $color set chart_array(titlesize) $size } proc GChartLegend {chart_hnd legend {side r}} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(legend) $legend set chart_array(legendside) $side } proc GChartAddDataSet {chart_hnd data} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array if {[info exists chart_array(data)]} { lappend chart_array(data) $data } else { set chart_array(data) $data } } proc GChartLables {chart_hnd lables} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(lables) $lables } proc GChartLableOrder {chart_hnd order} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(lableorder) $order } proc GChartColors {chart_hnd colors} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set chart_array(colors) $colors } proc GChartPlotToURL {chart_hnd} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array return [build_plot_URL chart_array] } proc GChartPlotToMemory {chart_hnd} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set url [build_plot_URL chart_array] set toc [http::geturl $url] set chart_graph [http::data $toc] upvar $toc state if {$state(type) ne {image/png}} { http::cleanup $toc return -code error {} } else { http::cleanup $toc return $chart_graph } } proc GChartPlotToChannel {chart_hnd chan} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set url [build_plot_URL chart_array] set toc [http::geturl $url -channel $chan] upvar $toc state if {$state(type) ne {image/png}} { http::cleanup $toc return -code error 1 } else { http::cleanup $toc return 0 } } proc GChartPlotToFile {chart_hnd filename} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set url [build_plot_URL chart_array] set fd [open $filename "w"] fconfigure $fd -translation binary set toc [http::geturl $url -channel $fd] close $fd upvar $toc state if {$state(type) ne {image/png}} { http::cleanup $toc return -code error 1 } else { http::cleanup $toc return 0 } } proc build_plot_URL {chart_hnd} { upvar $chart_hnd chart_array set range {} if {$chart_array(high) != 0} { set range "&chds=$chart_array(low),$chart_array(high)&" } set UrlLineOut {} append UrlLineOut {http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?} \ "cht=$chart_array(type)" $range set lable_hdr {chxl=} set data_hdr {chd=t:} set colors_hdr {chco=} set legend_hdr {} set title_hdr {} foreach data $chart_array(data) { if {$data == {}} { break } foreach data_entry $data { append data_hdr $data_entry "," } append data_hdr "|" } set iLabeleSetCnt 0 foreach lables $chart_array(lables) { append lable_hdr $iLabeleSetCnt ":|" incr iLabeleSetCnt foreach lable_text $lables { append lable_hdr $lable_text "|" } } set lable_hdr [string trimright $lable_hdr "|"] foreach color $chart_array(colors) { append colors_hdr $color "," } if {[info exists chart_array(title)]} { set title_hdr "&chtt=$chart_array(title)&chts=$chart_array(titlecolor),$chart_array(titlesize)&" } if {[info exists chart_array(legend)]} { set legend_hdr {&chdl=} foreach legend $chart_array(legend) { append legend_hdr $legend "|" } set legend_hdr [string trimright $legend_hdr "|"] append legend_hdr "&chdlp=$chart_array(legendside)&" } set data_hdr [string trimright $data_hdr ",|"] set colors_hdr [string trimright $colors_hdr ","] append UrlLineOut $lable_hdr "&chs=$chart_array(width)" "x" \ "$chart_array(height)&chxt=$chart_array(lableorder)" \ "&$data_hdr&$colors_hdr$title_hdr$legend_hdr" return $UrlLineOut } } set IWANTTOTEST 1 if {$IWANTTOTEST == 1} { # # The autoproxy package is used to get at the http package. # You will need to conect to your proxy before the charts # can be generated. Not needed if you are JUST generating # a URL for later use or if you are not behind a proxy server. # autoproxy::init autoproxy::configure -basic -username joeuser -password joespasswd # # See the Google chart api site for more details on types etc... # #::GoogleChart::GChart my_chart "bvg" ::GoogleChart::GChart my_chart "p3" ::GoogleChart::GChartSize my_chart 250 150 ::GoogleChart::GChartRange my_chart 0 100 ::GoogleChart::GChartAddDataSet my_chart {{1 2 3 4 5}} ::GoogleChart::GChartLables my_chart {{Jan Feb Mar Apr May} {1 2 3 4 5}} ::GoogleChart::GChartLableOrder my_chart {x,y} ::GoogleChart::GChartColors my_chart "0000ff" ::GoogleChart::GChartTitle my_chart {Foo Bar} "ff0000" 20 ::GoogleChart::GChartLegend my_chart {Jan Feb Mar Apr May} l set fd [open "chart.png" "w"] fconfigure $fd -translation binary #puts -nonewline $fd [::GoogleChart::GChartPlotToMemory my_chart] ::GoogleChart::GChartPlotToChannel my_chart $fd close $fd puts [::GoogleChart::GChartPlotToURL my_chart] } ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Plotting] | [Category Internet] |% !!!!!!