This is a simple Google Image search result slideshow that I ([ Andy Gaskell ]) did. It just asks for a search word or words, and then goes to Google image search and requests a page, then screen-scrapes the results and renders them into a slideshow that the user can go next and previous on. Add any ideas, tweaks or suggestions. It would be easy to change it to save the images to a file or to an ftp site or whatever. The whole code is just pasted in below, it's got a fair few comments in, but any bits that don't make sense, just add a question. # Google image search slideshow # this is a simple app that screen-scrapes google image search results # and creates a slideshow of the results, uses tck and tk. # user setable parameters. # Image size variable, for example... # all: small%7Cmedium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge # medium and large: medium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge # xlarge: xxlarge set sizevar "small%7Cmedium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge" # numlines or deepnumlines x 20 = numpics, because 20 pics per page # numlines is the maximum number of image search result pages set numlines 8 ;# cap on search # deepnumlines is the maximum number of image search result pages from an individual site if a site has multiple images set deepnumlines 8 ;# cap on deep search # max images set imagecap 500 # load packages package require http package require jpeg package require base64 ; # in tcllib, part of ActiveTcl package require img::jpeg wm title . "google viewer" # create the entry box set searchvar "" #labelframe .entryfr -text "Type Search Value And Hit Enter" labelframe .entryfr -text "Search Value" entry .entryfr.entrybox -textvariable searchvar pack .entryfr .entryfr.entrybox -padx 5 -pady 5 bind . { destroy .entryfr } tkwait window .entryfr # just to kill if theyt close the window if { $searchvar == "" } exit # show the console for debug catch {console show} # bump the min size of window up wm minsize . 800 600 # image set-up image create photo imgarray(0) -data "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs=" set imgurls(0) "no images loaded" set currimg 0 # gui frames labelframe .cfr -text "controls" labelframe .ifr -text "image" pack .cfr .ifr -side top -fill both # gui controls button .cfr.prev -text "<" -command { previmage } button -text ">" -command { nextimage } label .cfr.lb1 -text "Search:" label .cfr.searchtxt -textvariable searchvar label .cfr.lb2 -text " Image:" label .cfr.imgoftxt -text "0" label .cfr.lb3 -text "of" label .cfr.imgcounttxt -text "0" label .cfr.lb4 -text " url:" label .cfr.imgurltxt -text "loading" pack .cfr.prev .cfr.lb1 .cfr.searchtxt .cfr.lb2 .cfr.imgoftxt .cfr.lb3 .cfr.imgcounttxt .cfr.lb4 .cfr.imgurltxt -side left # gui image label .ifr.gimg -image imgarray($currimg) -bd 1 -relief sunken pack .ifr.gimg -side left # keyboard binding bind . nextimage bind . previmage bind . exit bind . exit # pretend to be a browser, an old one, so javascript is used by the website ::http::config -accept "*/*" ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 1.0; Windows NT 5.0)" # functions for buttons - next image proc nextimage { } { global currimg global imgurls set currimg [expr $currimg+1] if { [catch { .ifr.gimg configure -image imgarray($currimg) } msg] } { # must be at the end of the array puts $msg set currimg [expr $currimg-1] } else { # must be ok .cfr.imgoftxt configure -text $currimg .cfr.imgurltxt configure -text $imgurls($currimg) } } # functions for buttons - prev image proc previmage { } { global currimg global imgurls if { $currimg != 0 } { set currimg [expr $currimg-1] .ifr.gimg configure -image imgarray($currimg) .cfr.imgoftxt configure -text $currimg .cfr.imgurltxt configure -text $imgurls($currimg) } } # Save data from a URL to a variable proc httptovar { url } { # strip invalid chars from the URL set url [ string map { "\"" "" " " "+" } $url ] puts "URL: $url" if { [catch { set readpage [http::data [::http::geturl $url -timeout 10000 ] ]} msg] } { puts "http error - $msg" return "error - $msg" } else { puts "http ok, url: $url" return $readpage } } # get links from page, screenscraping proc getlinksfromvar { firstpage } { set startchar 0 set linklist "" # loop through each link in the page while there are still ocurances of the string in firstpage while {[string first "Next<" $newpage] == -1 } { puts "no more links" # so break out of this loop set lineCount $numlines } else { set firstpage "$firstpage $newpage" incr lineCount } } set deepfirstpage "" set startchar 0 set deeplinecount 0 # loop through each link in the deep page while there are still ocurances of the string in firstpage while {[string first " " $firstpage $startchar]-1 ] # for each google page of deep results, add the html to the deepfirstpage while { $deeplinecount < $deepnumlines} { # read the html of the google page results set deepnewpage [ httptovar[ string range $firstpage $startchar $endchar ]%22&start=[ expr $deeplinecount * 20 ] ] if { [string first ">Next<" $deepnewpage] == -1 } { puts "no more links" # so break out of this loop set deeplinecount $deepnumlines } else { # append it to deepfirstpage set deepfirstpage "$deepfirstpage $deepnewpage" incr deeplinecount } } # increment the page of google results incr startchar set deeplinecount 0 } # read all the image locations from the html text set links [ getlinksfromvar $firstpage ] set deeplinks [ getlinksfromvar $deepfirstpage ] # print standard links data puts "\nl links: [llength $links]" puts "\nl deeplinks: [llength $deeplinks]" # merge links together set links "$links $deeplinks" puts "\nboth links: [llength $links]" set valcount "0" set imgproced "0" foreach val $links { # check less than imagecap if { $imgproced < $imagecap } { puts "\nLink is (number $valcount): $val" if { [catch {image create photo imgarray($valcount) -data [ httptovar $val ]} msg] } { # error reading image puts "error: $msg" } else { # image read ok .cfr.imgcounttxt configure -text $valcount set imgurls($valcount) $val set valcount [ expr $valcount + 1 ] } # count the total read right or wrong incr imgproced } } puts "read $valcount of $imgproced read corectly" puts "Done" [Category Example] - [Category Graphics]