I just wanted to use the Google Translation Services in an application managing english and non-english messages for UIs and so I tried a bit. The code below is just raw and has some flaws: * any format field inside the text to be translated will confuse the translation service, so in my application I map any format field, like e.g. "%ld", with a uppercase token, to remap after the translation to the original format fields * the resulting translation may contain HTML entities, so I used the [tcllib] package [htmlparse] to replace the HTML entities with their original characters - so there is '''a dependency''' on this external [tcllib] package [htmlparse] Please see the differences in the example translations returned by Google! Much fun, Martin [male] ---- package require htmlparse; package require http; namespace eval ::googleTranslation { variable postUrl http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=en%7Cde; http::config -useragent {Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070508 Firefox/}; proc progress {token total count} { if {$total == 0} { set output [format \ {-> Received from Google: %ld Bytes} \ $count \ ]; } else { set output [format \ {-> Received from Google: %.1%lf %% (%ld Bytes)} \ [expr {double($count) / $total * 100}] \ $count \ ]; } puts stdout $output; flush stdout; return; } proc translate {text {source en} {destination de}} { variable postUrl; set query [http::formatQuery \ hl en \ ie UTF8 \ text $text \ langpair $source|$destination \ ]; if {[catch { set post [http::geturl \ $postUrl \ -query $query \ -progress ::googleTranslation::progress \ ]; } reason] == 1} { error "couldn't translate a text via Google: $reason"; } set success [regexp -- \ {
([^<]+)<} \ [http::data $post] \ whole translation \ ]; http::cleanup $post; if {$success == 0} { error "couldn't translate a text via Google: error returned from Google's translation service"; } return [htmlparse::mapEscapes $translation]; } } ---- Here some examples: % googleTranslation::translate "This is only a test!" -> Received from Google: 2668 Bytes -> Received from Google: 4098 Bytes -> Received from Google: 5528 Bytes -> Received from Google: 6958 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9100 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9100 Bytes Dies ist nur ein Test! % googleTranslation::translate "The Alarm '%s (%ld)' occurred" -> Received from Google: 2668 Bytes -> Received from Google: 4098 Bytes -> Received from Google: 5528 Bytes -> Received from Google: 6958 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9260 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9260 Bytes The Alarm "% s, (%" SVN_REVNUM_T_FMT) 'aufgetreten % googleTranslation::translate "The Alarm %s occurred" -> Received from Google: 2668 Bytes -> Received from Google: 4098 Bytes -> Received from Google: 5528 Bytes -> Received from Google: 6958 Bytes -> Received from Google: 8388 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9108 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9108 Bytes The Alarm% n aufgetreten % googleTranslation::translate "The Alarm occurred" -> Received from Google: 2668 Bytes -> Received from Google: 4098 Bytes -> Received from Google: 5528 Bytes -> Received from Google: 6958 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9093 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9093 Bytes The Alarm aufgetreten % googleTranslation::translate "the alarm occurred" -> Received from Google: 2668 Bytes -> Received from Google: 4098 Bytes -> Received from Google: 5528 Bytes -> Received from Google: 6958 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9093 Bytes -> Received from Google: 9093 Bytes Der Alarm aufgetreten ---- !!!!!! %| [Category AI] | [Category GUI] | [Category Internet] | [Category Web] |% !!!!!!