This demonstrates a simple accessor for the [Google] API using the TclSOAP package. Try ''google spell "Larry Vriden"'' ;) ---- # Google.tcl - Copyright (C) 2003 Pat Thoyts # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE' # for more details. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # @(#)$Id: 8322,v 1.1 2003-02-05 09:00:53 jcw Exp $ package require SOAP package require uri # You need to register to use the Google SOAP API. You should put your key into # $HOME/.googlekey as source [file join $env(HOME) .googlekey] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc google {cmd args} { global Key switch -glob -- $cmd { se* { set r [GoogleSearchService::doGoogleSearch $Key [lindex $args 0]] } sp* { set r [GoogleSearchService::doSpellingSuggestion $Key [lindex $args 0]] } c* { set r [eval [list GoogleSearchService::doGetCachedPage $Key] $args] } default { usage } } return $r } proc usage {} { puts "usage: google search query" puts " google spell text" puts " google cache url" exit 1 } proc set_useragent {{app {}}} { global tcl_platform set ua "Mozilla/4.0 ([string totitle $tcl_platform(platform)];\ $tcl_platform(os)) http/[package provide http]" if {[string length $app] > 0} { append ua " " $app } else { append ua " Tcl/[package provide Tcl]" } http::config -useragent $ua } set_useragent "Google/1.0" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup the SOAP accessor methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[catch {package require SOAP::WSDL}]} { # User doesn't have the WSDL package, do it manually # The following code was generated by parsing the WSDL document namespace eval GoogleSearchService { set endpoint set schema SOAP::create doGetCachedPage \ -proxy $endpoint -params {key string url string} \ -action urn:GoogleSearchAction \ -encoding \ -schema [list xsd $schema] \ -uri urn:GoogleSearch SOAP::create doSpellingSuggestion \ -proxy $endpoint -params {key string phrase string} \ -action urn:GoogleSearchAction \ -encoding \ -schema [list xsd $schema] \ -uri urn:GoogleSearch SOAP::create doGoogleSearch -proxy $endpoint \ -params {key string q string start int maxResults int \ filter boolean restrict string safeSearch boolean \ lr string ie string oe string} \ -action urn:GoogleSearchAction \ -encoding \ -schema [list xsd $schema] \ -uri urn:GoogleSearch }; # end of GoogleSearchService } else { # Get the WSDL document (local copy) set url "file:[file join [file dirname [info script]] GoogleSearch.wsdl]" set data [uri::geturl $url] set wsdl [set [subst $data](data)] # Process the WSDL and generate Tcl script defining the SOAP accessors. # This is going to change in the near future. set doc [dom::DOMImplementation parse $wsdl] set impl [SOAP::WSDL::parse $doc] eval [set $impl] # Fixup the parameters (the rpcvar package needs to be enhanced for this # but this hasn't been done yet) set schema {} foreach cmd [info commands ::GoogleSearchService::*] { set fixed {} foreach {param type} [SOAP::cget $cmd -params] { set type [regsub "${schema}:" $type {}] lappend fixed $param $type } SOAP::configure $cmd -params $fixed -schemas [list xsd $schema] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make available as a command line script. if {!$::tcl_interactive} { if {[info command GoogleSearchService::doGoogleSearch] != {}} { if {[llength $argv] < 2} { usage } set r [eval [list google] $args] puts $r } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: ---- [[ [Category Internet] | [Category Application] ]]