Tried on Window 2000 Pro, AS Tcl 8.4.6, TWAPI 0.8. Put image on clipboard via Alt-PrntScrn. The image pastes into MSpaint fine. When I push paste on this test program the process just disappears with no message or error display of any kind. :*( RT, 26March2006. To install the patched Img I simply copied the zip files over top of existing Img install. Was that correct? (I did this because the zip did not contain a full compliment of files) '''Update by [RT], 30June06''' - finally tried with 8.4.9 (ActiveState) and the new Img is indeed working to load the .bmp file created by the Clipboard2Img proc below. Thanks!! [PO] 2006/03/26 The Zip file should contain everything you need. But, I've compiled the Img extension against Tcl 8.4.9. This may be your problem; Stubs are only upwards compatible. [APN] Both copy and paste worked fine for me on XP SP2 in 16 and 32 bit display modes. Tcl 8.4.12, [TWAPI] 0.8. Unlike the above user, I removed by original Img directory and just used the above version instead. [MG] I used a simplified version of this code on XP SP2 for pasting PNG images for different Excel objects (charts, equations) from the clipboard directly to Tk canvas. Tcl 8.4.11, TWAPI 0.8 and a standard Img1.3. My code follows after the main example. [DC] Paul, did you ever post a patch file or the source code to this modification? [MR] Did not work for me on WinXP, Tcl 8.4.9, TWAPI 0.8. Getting this error: couldn't load library "Img1.3/tkimgwindow13.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path while executing. [PO] 2006/09/19 The Img package available from my homepage is dependent on msvcrtd.dll. It was intended as a test/debug version. The patched sources of the BMP parser are in the SF repository since 2006/06/06. It could therefore be part of an actual AS distribution. '''[potrzebie] - 2011-11-15 07:46:28''' The test code works directly with latest ActiveTCL, so I guess they included your extended BMP parser. ---- ***Just copy image to clipboard*** (extract from below) * requires [twapi] and [Img] (at least tkimg files pkgIndex.tcl, tkimg14.dll, tkimgbmp14.dll) * Image is named Img (image create photo Img) ======tcl set a {return button pack set menu} package require twapi_clipboard package require img::bmp twapi::open_clipboard twapi::empty_clipboard # First 14 bytes are bitmapfileheader - get rid of this twapi::write_clipboard 8 [string range\ [binary decode base64 [Img data -format bmp]] 14 end] twapi::close_clipboard ====== [stevel] testing major -> minor [stevel] testing mail protection -