[HJG] 2014-04 - "Graphlet (no more available) - Graphlet is based on GTL (graphlet-5.0.1-lgpl)." Judging from the information on the site above '''Graphlet''': is a graph editor, written in '''Graphscript''': which is simply Tcl/Tk plus a package "Graphscript", that is a wrapper around '''GTL''': which is a C++ library for managing graphs (in the Graph Theory sense). The source code for Graphlet has been released under the Gnu Public License. Graphlet is a toolkit for implementing graph editors and graph drawing algorithms. Graphlet runs on UNIX and Windows systems, and uses the same source code on all platforms. The key to this level of portability is that all platform dependend features have been deferred to Tcl/Tk. Graphlets design makes it easy to port the editor to any other platforms, provided that the LEDA and Tcl/Tk toolkits are available. Graphlet comes with a large set of already available algorithms, including: * Random Layout * Spring Embedder with Constraints * Spring Embedder (GEM) * Spring Embedder (FR) * Spring Embedder (KK) * DAG Layout * Tree Layout ----- [Graphlet_ScrShot] <> Application | Graph Theory