[Richard Suchenwirth] 2003-07-25 - The following code takes a graylevel [photo] [image] and produces a smaller one, by the specified factor, where the pixel values are averaged from the ioriginal image, instead of the simple picking that ''image copy -subsample'' does. proc bin2gray {image subfactor} { set iota [lrange {- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} 1 $subfactor] set h0 [image height $image]; set w0 [image width $image] set th [expr round(1.*$h0/$subfactor)] set tw [expr round(1.*$w0/$subfactor)] set res [image create photo -height $th -width $tw] for {set tx 0} {$tx<$tw} {incr tx} { for {set ty 0} {$ty<$th} {incr ty} { set y [expr {$ty*$subfactor}] set sum 0 foreach i $iota { set x [expr {$tx*$subfactor}] foreach j $iota { incr sum [lindex [$image get $x $y] 0] incr x if {$x>=$w0} break } incr y if {$y>=$h0} break } set g [expr {round(1.0*$sum/($subfactor*$subfactor))}] $res put [format #%02x%02x%02x $g $g $g] -to $tx $ty } } set res } ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]